[center][h2]Freyja Leden[/h2][/center] [hr] "Thank you Jonathan." Freyja smiled at his compliment. "It's nothing special though. An Architect has to understand the objects she created throughoutly after all. And you have mastered creating the standard version of your object, you can expand and evolve your power by finding out new ways to create said object. I create bombs so I study the various chemical reactions that can be used to make a bomb. I find the concept easier to understand when I try making it myself instead of just reading it off a book." "So yes, please do not touch any of the equipment there. They're really quite volatile." She then bend down a little to look at Jonathan's broken nose, her face hovering right in front of his face. "Hmm, doesn't seem like it's anything that serious. I believe you can participate in the assesment test just fine." She then took out the cooling bandage from her pocket and put it on the wounded nose. "There, the wound should sting less now." Straightening herself once more, she then took out the anti-inflammatory pills and handed it over to the young man. "Take these three times a day and you should be fine. Make sure to contact me or Asa if you still feel sick afterwards though." She glanced at the clock on the wall. 8:45. She should get going to the assesment test as well as she would be supervising the students there. "How about I escort you to the testing grounds? Unless, that is, if you have something else to do first before going there," she offered to the boy. [@Azereiah]