[color=00a651][center]Malkai[/center][/color] Malkai sat quietly by himself, eating a rather hearty looking meal of eggs, fruit, and bread. Notably he ate with his mask on; he tore his foot into small bite-sized pieces and put them underneath his mask. He was also feeding Falchion as well, giving him bits of eggs and fruit every now and again. Falchion waited patiently for his food, and didn't peck at Malkai's plate. More people joined which he only gave them a cursory amount of attention. If he had to guess, the dwarf and gnome would soon be joining them. It was just a hunch, but he doubts they were just passing by. It's too much of a coincidence that they stopped here of all places, which was within walking distance of the temple they were investigating. But then again maybe it just wasn't his business to figure them out; if they were going to help then so be it. he already had plans anyways, so the more bodies he could put between himself and the rest of the party, the better. [hr] [color=7ea7d8][center]Veridis Quo[/center][/color] This didn't sound good at all. It'd be one thing if Kalista was moaning and groaning from drinking, but if he remembered correctly she hadn't been downstairs at all last night. What happened to her since they showed up at the village? [color=7ea7d8]"Kalista, I'm coming in."[/color] Veridis opened the door, using a bit of Grease to get through the locks, if they were set. Once inside Veridis could plainly see that Kalista was in a bad shape. [color=7ea7d8]"Kalista! What happened? Was... Did you get hit by the gnolls during yesterday's battle? Are you poisoned?"[/color] Veridis wished her actually knew how to preform medicine. He had a wand of cure light wounds for minor injuries, but this seemed worse then just a cut or bruise. Still, Veridis did know some basic first aid. He could at least try to make things less painful, and then maybe look for Eleanora or anyone else for a remedy. Setting his bag down Veridis took out his healer's kit and tried to be useful. [color=7ea7d8]"Tell me what's wrong Kalista, and I'll do my best to help."[/color]