[@VitaVitaAR] If you want some general advice for writer's block, I feel like this video gives a really clever and interesting suggestion for a way to break it. (and it's not one of those cliche methods like "take a break" or "have something to eat" or anything like that). It's a pretty short video and I think it can help [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5cJDkfgOKI[/youtube] If you want the cliffnotes version, it's more or less this: just write something down, even if it's bad ([i]especially[/i] if it's bad, in fact), and then edit it. Try to figure out what you think doesn't work about it, take that part out, then keep refining it until it's good. Probably not the best summary, the video explains it way better :lol