[center][h1][color=lightgreen]Riley Walker[/color][/h1] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/2a873ec137a27229337cef726cdc285e/tumblr_nwhlhlMBjQ1qd4bljo5_r1_250.gif[/img] Location: Red Lake Campsite. Interacting With: [@rivaan][@Zhaliora][@Eviledd1984][@BeautifulSnow][/center] [hr][hr] Riley finished setting up the camp she looked over at Valencia and gave her a soft smile and nod as she watched her going into the tent to take off some of her things and then headed over towards a nearby tree and climbed up to talk to Patricia about the woods. For now she just thought that the woods and lake would be safe for the most part as far as she knew. Riley headed into the RV for a moment to gather the last few things and started to get some snacks out and set up as the others continued to play in the lake. Then she heard a car coming up she turned around seeing a familiar looking truck and that pulled up near the RV, she smiled instantly as she saw Vanessa coming out of the truck, then her son which she didn't expect to see at all. Riley smiled brightly when the little kid came running over to her she knelt down and picked him up. [color=lightgreen]"Hey little guy!"[/color] Riley said with a smile, then she looked over at Vanessa and quickly went over to her friend and gave her a tight hug. [color=lightgreen]"Great to see you!"[/color] She said happily.