[h2]Musashi Sakai[/h2] Musashi was once again up a tree and hiding, though this time on a much lower branch, watching as people arrived. There was supposed to be a test or some sort of game going on? Either way he was way way way too excited to get started! The school was invisible even to his enhanced eyes before it appeared during the opening ceremonies, so who knew what other kinds of powers existed in the world. So, he was trying to observe some of the other students as they showed up, trying to get a grasp on any of their powers or skills before the game proper began. He knew at least some of his own powers, now he just had to know his 'enemies' so to speak and he could much better assure his own victory going forward. That said, he hoped that he could make some friends in the battle, so he was also scanning the area for a likely target to befriend.