Ambrose had been taken back how the adorned and large Caleb's room was. It was clear he had a privileged lifestyle. But hey, it was nice for once to be around expensive things. Even if it made Ambrose feel slightly out of place. Despite the undeniable chemistry him and Caleb shared, the difference between their two worlds was sometimes jarring. Ambrose obediently followed Caleb to his closet, which turned how to be even larger. "Fucking hell dude..." He muttered, eyes trailing over the rows of clothes. Ambrose snorted at Caleb's explanation, "I don't know...This looks like you're getting along with it pretty well." Ambrose commented bluntly, but he paused "Thanks though." His tone turned gentler. Ambrose was well aware that Caleb had good intentions, and for whatever reason, he treated Ambrose with kindness. Ambrose waited until Caleb left to check on the others to looks for something suitable. After a bit of digging Ambrose ended up with a over sized shirt, and loose shorts. But with the length of his shirt, it gave the illusion at first glance that Ambrose was wearing only the shirt. After pulling on some socks, he rejoined the group in the main room. Jeremy sat close to Ariana, who he knew a littler bit better then everyone else in the room. His eyes were wide and wild, darting across the room every few seconds. "Where's Samantha? She said she was coming back right?" Jeremy babbled, mostly to himself at this point. Ambrose approached hesitantly, arms crossed as he took his place next to Caleb. His mouth was set in a tight-lipped line, his gaze hardened. And his expression only darkened once Sam reappeared. Jeremy, on the other hand, looked like he was going to cry from relief once he saw her. Amrbose stepped forward, "What the fuck! Shouldn't we just get help from people who actually know what to do?" He burst out, but Samantha had already left. Jeremy stood up, and strode over to Ambrose. He stabbed a finger at Ambrose's chest, "No! We follow Sam's plan, do you know what could happen if they know we caused this?!" Ambrose slapped Jeremy's hand away, the two glared at each other intensely until finally Jeremy broke the staring contest. "No... I'm going to go help Sam out." Jeremy muttered, as if he had suddenly grew very tired. Jeremy left the room with one final glare shot at Ambrose. Ambrose made a noise of disgust once Jeremy had left, and collapsed down on the couch next to Caleb. "Yeah. I... Just wanted fun too." He said, a look of defeat flashing across his face. He let his black curls fall over his eyes as he settled onto the cushion. "Can we even banished the monster that did that?" Ambrose asked, to no one in particular. But suddenly his hazel gaze snapped back to Caleb, "Did Samantha mean to do this?" Ambrose knew that asking Caleb that might just upset him, but he needed to know if Caleb thought there was any chance she would want to cause anything like this.