[h2]Ryousei Aoyama[/h2] Ryousei had been sitting next to a tree at the meeting site, watching the grorp of people. The institute appearing out of thin air had been a spectacle, for sure, and Ryousei was definitely impressed. But that had passed and he was brought to the woods for some test. And now apparently the tester was late? Or something? Ryousei was sitting and looking at the group of first-years. There were quite a few cuties here. One of them was pacing around impatiently, though, complaining about the tester being late. Ryousei watched her pacing around for about a minute. As he did, the shinai that had been resting on his shoulder began to move up and down. He was fidgeting. He sighed loudly, and stood up. "Alright, now you're making me antsy," he said, approaching the girl, "Could you be maybe calm down a little?" [@tipssyCalibrator]