[h2]Natsuki Sumiko, Starblazer[/h2] This was going to be great! They were going to get to show off all their different abilities and have a fun game of capture the flag! Really, honestly, Sumiko couldn't wait. There was no way she [i]could[/i] be patient in the face of something so awesome. As she stretched and adjusted her outfit, she couldn't help but notice that kid from the for, the one dressed up as a panda. That was pretty cool! Not that the outfit in and of itself was particularly awesome or anything, but that was what contributed to the coolness in a way. Anyone dressed up so ridiculously had to be at least a little cool to successfully pull off such a goofy look. ... Or he could just be a silly kid, but if that was the case it was just kind of adorable and he could still be pretty awesome, right?! Either way, he was going on the befriending list! The girl cheerfully approached the younger boy, waving. "Hi there! I'm Natsuki Sumiko!" she introduced herself. [@Dblade26] [hr] [h2]Clarabelle Halloway, the Ethereal Dollmaker[/h2] Clarabelle stood quietly. Only now, she wasn't alone anymore. No, she had brought her friends. Around her drifted her dolls, each dressed in lovely, frilly dresses. Snow White, Cinderella... ah, the list went on, all her lovely friends were here now, drifting around her... capture the flag? She had never played before, let alone with any other Channelers. But she didn't care. Oh no. This was truly one of the few things that Clarabelle looked forward to doing with her fellow students. Her face was alight with a rare smile. She wanted to introduce her fellow students to her Ballet of Terror.