[color=orange][b]AKIKO[/b][/color] Akiko watched in surprise as the boy threw the bamboo sword against the tree and then suddenly materialized a real sword out of thin air right afterwards. This took Akiko by surprise, though less from the fear of the sword and more just in the astonishment that he could do that at all (she was still not familiar with channeller powers yet, after all). She then let out a light chuckle as she slung over the bat on her back and grabbed it. "Hope you don't think you're scaring me with that. I do my best with a handicap!" Akiko retorted as she prepared to rush forward towards the kid [color=green][b]ASA[/b][/color] "Just what in the HELL is going on here?!" If all the students looked over at the source of the voice, they would see a tall woman with black hair tied up in a ponytail and wearing a black tank top, aviator sunglasses, [url=https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/61W832hBCoL._UL1500_.jpg]a patrol cap[/url], and a very, very irritated scowl on her face. She was looking over at them with her arms crossed, obviously very unimpressed by what was about to unfold "...Who are you?" Akiko said, completely confused "Don't pretend like you don't recognize me. You saw me give the speech in front of the school, remember?" Asa said before promptly pulling down her sunglasses and glaring at both of the students. "Now I'm going to give you ten seconds to explain [i]exactly what in God's name you were about to do[/i]!" Asa demanded to the two kids, her voice filled with anger