Before the fight could actually start, however, some approached him. Someone huge. "Whoa, there, big guy," Ryousei said, not moving from his stance, "Just a friendly spar. Two people [i]consensually[/i] having a practice bout. So..." He looked over to Akiko for confirmation, but was interrupted by [i]another[/i] voice cutting through the scene. He turned to the source of the voice and [h1][i]OHHHH SHIT.[/i][/h1] To be honest, Ryousei really should have expected this. But, he didn't, and now here he was, caught red-handed and, from the look in Asa's eyes, about to regret everything. He cleared his throat. Gotta at least try to be diplomatic. "We were just... ah... warming up," he explained, looking over to Akiko, "Get those muscles moving, you know, just... ah... sparring, right?"