[h1][color=39b54a]Ryuuto Koriyama[/color][/h1] [color=39b54a]"Ah... sorry Kasuke."[/color] It seemed as though Mina intended to stay as distant as possible. But, that was fine. At least she agreed to join him in surveying the new students. And, another person decided to join them as well. He was a few years older, but Ryuuto still had more time at the academy. He was yet another person that could be described as "smart as hell." Frankly, if the three of them were willing to pool their intellect, they could probably dominate any competition. However, as Sang-Jun pointed out, the tree of them seemed to have different priorities. Still, Ryuuto was more than happy to take advantage of this cosmic alignment. Ryuuto gave Jun-Sang a nod. He wasn't going to argue about the benefits of know the other students' abilities, as the assessment was probably going to start soon, so he decided to get right down to business. [color=39b54a]"Well, since there's three of us, I think the best way to go about this is split up and collect data on as many of the new students as possible. We can reconvene here after the assessment and trade information. And, let's make a pact right now. No withholding data from each other. This works best for all of us if we're open about our findings. Sound good?"[/color] He looked from Mina over to Sang-Jun to see if they were both on-board. He hoped nobody would waste time arguing while the assessment was about to begin. [@Silver Carrot][@CondorTalon]