[b][color=orange]AKIKO[/color]/[color=green]ASA[/color][/b] Akiko didn't even register the boy's words, she was still having trouble even accepting the fact that this woman and the one from before were the same person. "But she wasn't...you can't...that's..." Akiko muttered with a completely shocked and confused expression on her face "So you think it was alright to just start a fight without any supervisors around? Let this be absolutely clear: there will be NO fights being held on Institute grounds unless being watched by a staff member. You two got that?" Asa shouted, fully expecting an answer straight away. She also took note of the other kid who came in at the last second to try and stop the one with the sword right before Asa had gotten there. She was glad to see at least one of them was thinking straight Akiko had finally stopped mumbling to herself and managed to nod her head in response to Asa's question