[color=f7941d][h1] Vivian Benini [/h1][/color] Vivian looked at Candlemon imaging what possible other forms could he have? What could a candle upgrade to? He tried to imagine it but came short. Idly watching how everyone evolved their partners as he finished his sandwich. He will have to simply wait and see how things go. For now his attention was drawn towards the selector. They were selected to solve problems of this side, they told them... That sentence would so well in a movie where he did and was working for salvation of his soul.... Maybe his father was right, he should not watch weird movies as much. It surely didnt help when the selector was a spider. He wasnt a scared of spider, but definitely he wasnt a fan of them either. Even if it mean he was being rude, Vivian tried to avoid the sudden hug she tried to give him. He failed, the digimon was much faster than him easily cutting his escape route that lead him around Impmon and his pantless, not so much now, girl. Candlemon watched with a grin as Vivian winced at the strong hug. The redhead was extremely uncomfortable in that digimon clutches. He was released and opted to rub his ribs to make sure nothing was broken. Relieved he was freed. Candlemon jumped up beside him. [color=92278f]"No escape." [/color]His partner digimon informed him and Vivian rolled his eyes. [b]"I believe that's all for that. We'll get your first mission together for you all, but if you have questions for us now would be the time to ask. Otherwise, go ahead and head outside and get to know each other. I don't think you've all done that yet really. We'll compile your first mission if you want. [/b] [color=f7941d]"Oh I have questions."[/color] Vivian raised his hand, hearing the Flamedramon speaking up. [color=f7941d]"What are our working hours? Could you tell us a quick example of the type of problem we are meant to deal with and what skill is awaited from us to have, beside I assume assisting in digivolution? "[/color] He assumed that the way back home would be similar as the way to the bureau, open digital gate. It would make sense. As well having the device be the way they communicate with the bureau. It did had several buttons on it. He opted to make sure. [color=f7941d]"What are all the function of the digidevice or where is the manual that goes with it? And one more question."[/color] He turned a bit towards his partner. [color=f7941d]"Where do you live?So I would know where can I find you in the off hours?"[/color] Candlemon was staring at him, the wax pair of eyes fixing him while the flame eyes kept looking between the spider and Flamedramon. Vivian wasnt sure why though, did he asked a weird question? He looked at the other humans, and the one who was closest to Vivian he spoke to. [color=f7941d]"What do you think? Would be nice to hang out with them outside our missions at times, right?"[/color]