[quote=@Cute Bumber] Hi. Ummmmm... like... ummm welcome. But... Like I totes ummm... I have no idea what you just said to me. Soooo like ummm... °~°; Aaaaaahhhhh!! ~flees~ ~daBumba Returns with [@Dead Cruiser] and plops it down~ HERE!! Its for you!! K [@Lucidnonsense] this is the brain you want not me! Go on. Break it with your questions about that hottie Negasonic Teenage Warhead or wutevs you said to me! [/quote] Would A Berserker Von-Neumann probe converting the entire universe into copies of itself be considered good or evil? because technically it is acting against entropy :p I'm almost done with my character, decided to go for less demon-hunter and more Arcane-Scientist who spent a stint as a safety inspector on a space habitat that was dangerously close to some kind of malevolent space horror. "This food dispensor is out of order because the 'food' it dispenses is actually demons"