[@rivaan] Indeed. Many people have used different terms to describe this single-edged and strongly curved blade. Scimitars, Cutlass, Shamshir. Although I find that scimitars are more akin to blades where [url=https://cdn2.bigcommerce.com/server900/mtrm4/products/358/images/722/scimitar_sword__74253.1394472076.400.500.jpg?c=2]the blade is short, curved and wider in length[/url] as opposed to this very uniformed taper throughout. Cutlass are [url=https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/31RLmVKyswL._SY300_.jpg]'slightly' curved single-edged swords usually with a hand guard[/url] and shamshirs as hungarian sabers. Oh how I desire to have one good Hungarian Saber! Sword-Nerding again. Oh, how I love swords.