At long last, this Trial of Heroes can begin. Or at least the signup can begin. And old man appeared to give them paperwork to fill out and information about the trial itself. There was some teamwork activities, physical tests, and metal trials they had to go through. Seems simply enough. The paperwork was pretty basic too: it needed a name, job title, interest in the challenge, and in two million words why you want to take the challenge. Yaj certainly noticed the absurdity of a 2 million word essay, but the joke would be on the test makers. Two million words meant nothing to Yaj. [color=00a651]”Gunna need a lotta ink.”[/color] Taking his paperwork Yaj went to get the required materials; he swiped a stack of blank paper he’ll need for writing, five wooden ink pens, and ten ink wells. He was almost certain that this two million essay was just another test in this hero trial, probably a test of resolve. After all only someone with a heroic spirit would bother trying to write an essay with at least two million words. But a true hero can get this done. Yaj was that hero. At least he hopes he is. Cracking his knuckles and neck Yaj sat down at the table and started writing.