[hr][center][h2][color=00aeef]Jonathan Walker[/color][/h2][/center][hr] Jonathan nodded. There were a few chemical labels that he was familiar with, like potassium nitrate and pure sucrose, but far more that he had never heard of. Middle school science class didn't go very deeply into different compounds, and it certainly hadn't taught anything about explosive development. In high school, he had opted for physics and mechanics courses instead of chemistry and biology, so he was still in the dark on most of it. While Freyja applied the stiff bandage to the bridge of his nose, he stayed completely motionless. The bandage would keep it straight during the healing process - usually a couple weeks if he remembered rightly. He'd have to pick up a few of his own when he had the chance, but there wasn't much time for that at the moment. When Professor Leden was done, he quickly pulled out his phone and tapped out 'Box of Bandages' onto a new line of his ever-growing school supplies shopping list. In a second, he put the phone back away. [color=00aeef]"Thank you, Professor. And yes, I think I'd like that. Even though I've been here a bit over a year, I'm not familiar with this part of the grounds."[/color] [@Hammerman] [hr][center][h2][color=f26522]Brock Van de Vate[/color][/h2][/center][hr] [color=f26522]"Yeah. Just getting 'warmed up' before the event. Wouldn't want to do anything at less than top condition, yeah?"[/color] The brief glow dropped to nothing and a small patch of grass around Brock's feet went yellow-brown. All the moisture had been driven out by the momentary burst of heat. He wasn't really trying to show off, so he wasn't putting anywhere near as much effort into it as usual -- otherwise the grass would've been on fire. Capture The Flag wasn't really his cup of tea, but it was a good chance to see what the other students had to offer, and perhaps show what he was made of. He turned toward Yasu. [color=f26522]"You throw lightning bolts, right? How 'bout we team up or something, show these kids how it's done?"[/color] [@Mercurial] [hr][center][h2][color=92278f]Daler Ghumman[/color][/h2][/center][hr] Daler nodded along with a smile at Meilin. He was familiar with the temple in question, as he'd traveled there in spirit once to observe a potential student during her training. The Temple elders were wise and old, and skilled in the ways of the body in ways that Daler himself had never achieved. He had never mentioned it to Meilin, however. She'd eventually remember a young Punjabi man in a familiar-looking turban standing outside on the Temple steps, leaning against a statue one day during a lesson. He had given her a thumbs up and turned to leave, satisfied with the Temple's agreed-upon lesson plan. [color=92278f]"I won't discuss the internal thoughts of the students, but I will say that there are a few whom I believe would very much be interested in what you have to offer. You'll see them in action, I'm sure."[/color] Daler had been dreading the assessment earlier, but he couldn't help but nod in approval at Meilin's suggestion that they go to observe. He just wanted to go back to his room and take a nap, damn it, but his students took priority every once in a while. [color=92278f]"I think that's a lovely idea. Let's go."[/color] The golf cart putted along as Daler drove off towards the CTF Woods, rather than his personal parking space outside his office. On the way, an idea struck. [color=92278f]"I keep forgetting that you're still a student. Time flies by so fast that I can't always tell the difference these days... I know that finding a spot may have been difficult without staff permissions, so I'd be willing to hold your classes in my old classroom if you need it."[/color] The 'classroom' in question was large, unadorned, with simple rubber mats laid across the entirety of the floor and a large mirror across the back wall. Daler had been using it more recently to hold detentions, but for the majority of the day it was completely untouched. As an added benefit, students would be able to enter a calmer rendition of his dream world at will under direct supervision for full-contact, full-power sparring sessions. [@13org]