[@DarkwolfX37] Alright, so those powers. First, guns or anything that are similarly as deadly as guns are not allowed in the RP at all (as the vast majority of the characters don't really have anything that can counter guns), so that brass knuckle move has to go. Second, I'm assuming that the truth ability is based on being able to see the body's physical reaction to lying, kind of like Toph's lie detector ability in Avatar, right? Third, the counteraction and disagreeing powers sound like very weird, abstract and pretty OP powers, some of which border on mind control. And finally, I'm uneasy about allowing teleportation and turning invisible unless they have some easily counterable aspects to them [@CondorTalon] Hm. This power is kinda weird, because it seems both overpowered and underpowered at the same time. The whole reason the energy mechanic is in the RP (other than because it's a common shounen anime thing) is because it's a universal balancing mechanism. That way, even if someone has a super powerful...well, power, they can't keep using it forever cause they'll run out of energy eventually. But if she decides to super charge their character's energy, they could potentially be able to use their power for much longer. But the ability is also underpowered in that...well, she doesn't really have any moves of her own or a way of defending herself