[h2]Musashi Sakai[/h2] "W-Wah!" Musashi flailed for a moment and fell out of the tree branch he'd been sitting on as an older girl suddenly addressed him. He figured he wasn't really hiding or anything, but for someone with super-enhanced eyesight it was a little bit embarrassing to have been caught so totally unawares. He'd been so busy studying some of the other students that he hadn't even noticed one of them approaching him. Thankfully he was in a much lower branch this time and he hadn't sent [i]himself[/i] tumbling to the ground, so with the added control this time around he actually caught himself in a handstand, his panda hat inexplicably staying in place. Well, not exactly inexplicably, he always did up the little under-chin strap thingies really tight, but they were hard to see! He gave the older girl a big, bright smile, keeping in mind what his parents always said about first impressions, even if it was probably hard to tell through his mask. "I'm Musashi Sakai! I'm a ninja! It's nice to meet you!"