[quote=@tipssyCalibrator] [@DarkwolfX37] Alright, so those powers. First, guns or anything that are similarly as deadly as guns are not allowed in the RP at all (as the vast majority of the characters don't really have anything that can counter guns), so that brass knuckle move has to go. Second, I'm assuming that the truth ability is based on being able to see the body's physical reaction to lying, kind of like Toph's lie detector ability in Avatar, right? Third, the counteraction and disagreeing powers sound like very weird, abstract and pretty OP powers, some of which border on mind control. And finally, I'm uneasy about allowing teleportation and turning invisible unless they have some easily counterable aspects to them [/quote] I mean... The "gun" part wouldn't really be fatal in the first place. It'd be the size of the God of Death's finger gun in Assassination Classroom since it's inside a pair of brass knuckles. But does that mean the whole power is out or just that move? I can't tell which you meant. I figured it would work off of alterations in a person's inner energy, but that would work too. Yeah, I intended that counter move to be [i]very[/i] risk-reward. Since normally all it would be is a shield against really strong attacks that take long enough to be reacted to, and the only ways to make it offensive require taking the hit or basically taking the hit twice and trying to be the one left standing. The memetic power is sort hard for me to defend. That's why I tried to make it really hard for it to be used very effectively. I should've specified that it only works on one idea per person at a time and gave it a cooldown of a week per person. I also think I probably worded it poorly by saying "idea," but I couldn't think of a better way to put it. I mean, the invisibility part would be making a pretty high-pitched sound that someone could track as a side-effect. And like [@Azereiah] said, there's a lot of heat generated and friction would be wearing down whatever they're standing on. So constant, careful movement would be the only way to make it viable in combat, otherwise it would be more for sneaking and even then there's the high frequency. Similarly, I like Azereiah's idea of a pre-image where the teleportation is going to occur during the time it's being planned. Plus starting out with a 5 second cooldown and lack of cost-effective control limiting the number of teleports per day, and starting out with only being able to teleport to somewhere she either can see or has been before would be another balancing factor. Again, these are really just the barest bones rough drafts to see if the concept of the power is viable before I go about giving them serious balancing and development. Since I want to build the character around the power, I just want to figure out what power I can build around before I bother building the power up to a final draft level of complexity. Sorry about the trouble. [quote=@Azereiah] [@DarkwolfX37] On teleportation: Perhaps a pre-image is visible at the destination point for a split second before the teleportation actually occurs? On invisibility: Those vibrations are loud. [i]Very[/i] loud. And they generate a [i]lot[/i] of heat due to friction. While the eyes can't follow the user themselves, other sense can take over in a pinch, and vibrating like that while on the ground may kick up dust or cause excess wear on the surface. [/quote] That's a good idea and something I sort of thought was obvious enough that I totally forgot to mention, respectively, so thank you for both of those.