She had chuckled at his revelation of being a nerd, shaking her head in confirmation as she reassured him: “Maybe, but I still love you regardless. There are worse hobbies to have, right?” they fell into a mutual silence, admiring the vista in front of them before Yerbol spoke up and drew her attention again. Aria raised an eyebrow warily at him as he mentioned Bracknell again, mumbling “I thought this was supposed to be a vacation…” Before he waved the comment off and continued on to explain that was the moment when he knew they were going to be important to one another. She should have seen it coming after that, but it wasn't until he dropped onto one knee that Aria's brain seemed to register where this was going. This topped everything else by a long stretch. “You really had to ask?” she teased, her eyes twinkling. “Of course. I couldn’t imagine it any other way, really.” scooting forward in her chair, she leaned forward to kiss him. “You were the first person to be interested in me for ME and not because of who my parents were or any other reason, guess deep down I knew that would make you more important to me than anybody else...So it would be silly to think of ever spending the rest of my life with anybody else.Though other people might find it somewhat questionable if you still can’t find your socks on your own in thirty years time.” with another laugh, she held out her hand and let him slip the ring onto her finger, smiling warmly. “It’s beautiful. Not that it would have made a difference of course, you could have given me anything and I would still say yes.” Yerbol exhaled loudly and shook his head again, pulling her into a warm embrace which they shared for a few moments before he returned to his seat so they could finish a light dessert. With their meal finished they enjoyed a short wander through the manor’s grounds filled with more tender words and embraces until the transport arrived to return them to the hotel for the night. Strangely, things felt entirely different (but in a good way) from that moment on, even if they hadn’t changed much at all. As they were lying together getting ready to drift off for the night, Aria shifted to glance sideways at him and mumble. “So...what happens now? I mean, I know it doesn’t really change much, but I suppose we’ve got to tell everyone.” sighing contentedly, she tucked her head against his chest once again. “And there’ll be all sorts of “official” planning to do. Unless you wanted to just wait a while.” she didn’t want to seem like she was rushing into it, but they didn't have the luxury of waiting TOO long (since they never knew what might come their way next). "Either way, I promised Neta she'd be the first one to know when it happened, so...there's that too."