On another note, remember how I promised a cs for arksynth like six months ago? [quote=@Antarctic Termite] [hider=Arksynth] [center][colour=9e0b0f][h3]Arksynth[/h3][/colour] [b]Physical - Material - Technology[/b][/center] [b]Description:[/b] Arksynth is a living material capable of being fashioned into a great variety of tissue types and shapes by non-magical means that are available to mortals. 'Pure' or 'stem' arksynth is a typically viscous grey fluid with no exceptional properties other than the ability to replicate when exposed to oxygen, water and nutrient-rich organic matter, expanding to form a homogenous, wrinkled clump. Even stemsynth tends to mutate, taking on slightly different colours, growth habits, and nutritional preferences. Major mutations also occur, usually at a rate scarce enough to make mass production possible. Depending on this is, for reasons soon to become obvious, unwise. Certain chemical and physical stimuli can cause stem arksynth to react, forming a 'cured' variant material. The list of potential stimuli is innumerable, and with careful experimental observation, stimulus materials, organic or inorganic, can be found in any environment. Stimulus does, however, lean towards the odd- Certain kinds of bones, malformed flowers, coloured rocks, stretching at a certain tension, light of a particular colour. Stimuli can be mixed or applied in succession, forming nuanced 'recipes'. The occult factors contributing to the composition of arksynth sometimes reveal themselves here- While not sensitive to symbolic processes in the way of true submaterial rituals, circumstances which don't appear to alter the physical nature of an item occasionally gives it stimulus properties, such as harvest during a certain lunar arrangement, excavation using a certain tool, or only from the left side of an animal's body. Location of harvest occasionally plays a role in this, usually in a general way, such as the humidity or altitude of the site. Stemsynth developed in regions that are relatively homogeneous in composition, such as ice caps and deserts, tends to be noticeably more reactive to stimuli from that region. 'Cured' arksynth exists in a limitless diversity of tissue species, with an equally infinite array of uses. Live cultures can be stimulated to synthesize virtually any chemical compound, given adequate prerequisites and sufficient stimulation to grow into such a specific arrangement. In fact, 'given adequate prerequisites and sufficient stimulation' summarises any and all possible uses for mature arksynth. Any naturally occurring tissue can be mimicked, any material grown, any shape wrought, any mechanical function performed. Arksynth can act as muscle, skin, horn, hair, fruit, leaf- Even, potentially, brain. While this sounds and is wondrous, stem arksynth can only mature into one particular function, and many are so specific that they require other types to support them- Although some recipes will yield a more efficient tissue than others and redundancies are prolific. Complex synthworks are artfully arranged devices in which different types of 'synth feed into one another to perform a task, much like complex machines are made of many simple mechanisms. Outside of the Emaciator's laboratories, many potential synthworks will remain beyond even mortal conjecture for thousands of years. Constructing a living creature out of arksynth is little easier than constructing an automaton out of metal and silicon. However, synthwork lends itself to certain technologies far more or less readily than conventional materials. The most prominent is bodily augmentation. Conditioning 'synth to be accepted by mortal flesh is relatively simple compared to, say, arduously stimulating it to produce polymers, drugs or self-powered mechanisms. Anything that can be developed in a 'synth workshop can also be developed in 'synth grown onto the fresh stump of an amputated arm. The Jvanic influence here is, of course, obvious. Unlike stemsynth, mature arksynth types cannot be mass produced. Though complex, the recipes required to stimulate them are not the limiting factor. Rather, it is the uncanny behaviour of arksynth itself. [b]Interactions:[/b] Arksynth is not conscious. Different samples are not linked by any psychic matrix, nor can it 'choose' its 'actions'. Virtually any aberrant behaviour displayed by a synthwork is completely due to non-supernatural random chance. However, certain patterns- or at least consistent mechanisms of chaos- tend to emerge. All 'synth compounds will defy attempts to predict them by man or god, even to the point of actually behaving predictably when it is expected to be erratic. This nesting of unpredictable predictability runs infinitely deep. The mutations and mechanisms of arksynth cannot be tricked into playing into its maker's hands. Arksynth is utterly unreliable- If it is approached with too many expectations, those expectations will be overturned, no matter where they were placed. There can never be perfect confidence of anything wherever 'synth is involved; Arksynth will play tricks wherever it is least expected. For this reason, attempting to mass produce any synthwork, or even replicate it, is foolhardy. However, this also means that arksynth gravitates towards uniqueness and diversity, in which there is a rather different kind of efficiency. Arksynth may not be predictable or even wholly logical, but it has a tendency to be intuitive, and mortals tend to have a decidedly easier time of working with it than might be expected. If anything, the unique irrationality of mortals seems to give them a much better grasp of how to work with synth than any amount of logical analysis could. This is, of course, absurd, and highly unlikely. Be that as it may, it also explains a good deal about arksynth. Synthwork is almost invariably of higher quality the more hand-crafting and mortal attention goes into it. Unregulated cottage industry tends to produce more goods than organised production. Mortals that have developed pointless emotional bonds to their arksynth, or even anthropomorphised it, also usually have a better understanding of its properties. The best synth recipes are almost always found by chance and individual experimentation rather than a collective working towards a goal. Attempting to capitalise on any of this, of course, will result in failure. Better not expect too much. Divine intervention is curiously limited when it comes to the technology. Arksynth will strongly resist being forced to change by any hand other than a mortal who has chosen to do so, or a deity humble enough to stoop to their level. Stemsynth without a mortal owner is much more susceptible to the production of technology through magic. Interestingly, almost all forms of arksynth not designed to burn are exceptionally fire resistant. [b]Variations:[/b] Over time, arksynth's constant mutations have something of a predisposition towards the preferred artistic aesthetics of the culture that produces it. Synthwork from a lamplit Gothic city will look nothing like synthwork from a caravan of desert nomads, even if the two are functionally similar. The following are examples of hypothetical arksynth constructs of very high complexity in vastly different cultures. [url=http://davesrightmind.deviantart.com/art/Red-Card-1-584124107]A 'synth factory in a hellish place. Many elite craftsmen toil therein.[/url] [url=http://vincent-covielloart.deviantart.com/art/Bog-Witches-556170400]These strange individuals receive camouflage, warmth and sustenance from the cumbersome synthwork they have grown upon themselves.[/url] [url=http://hydrothrax.deviantart.com/art/Wingy-Things-608339388]Phenomenally advanced, these synthwork flying machines are adapted to blend in with non-Jvanic technology of similar complexity.[/url] [url=https://xzyolotl.tumblr.com/post/148327260713/pilot]Many synthtypes are bioluminescent. This individual has modified themselves heavily to engage in interstellar travel.[/url] [url=http://blinkpen.deviantart.com/art/It-Spreads-628614320]Being a living material, arksynth weapons may one day be capable of reproducing themselves, to chilling effect.[/url] [url=http://cobaltplasma.tumblr.com/post/150631147402/bioarmor-3-late-night-doodle]An honourable warrior who has long since left her home planet. A cosmic knight, if you will.[/url] [url=http://inhuman-infatuation.deviantart.com/art/BioPunk-WIP-525963829]This noble has removed her eye and replaced it with a better one designed by the family synthsmith.[/url] [url=https://www.artstation.com/artwork/3ZvYg]A liquid airship with a neural assembly- Curious and tremendously costly.[/url] [/hider] [/quote] It tells us next to nothing we didn't already know and honestly I just kind of rushed through it, so just ignore all the words and inconsistencies and skip to the pictures section at the bottom. tl;dr someone mentioned that as we're in a fantasy environment, technological advancement can come in ways entirely alien to what happened over Earth's history, so I decided 'what if technology but intuitive instead of logical and also made of meat'. Also bonus points if you use dice rolls to pick which technology you get from every few khookies or freepoints spent developing the stuff, this being the remains of the god of chance after all. I've been doing it that way for Tauga and it's kinda fun.