[h1][color=92278f]Vanessa[/color] and [color=00aeef]Blake[/color] Von Strong[/h1] Location: The campsite Blake: in Riley's arms Interacting with: [@Nallore] [@Eviledd1984] [@rivaan] [@Zhaliora] [hr] Vanessa laughed and looked at Blake. [color=92278f]''Yeah, Same to you but can you please stop growing?! Ok.. That probably sounded really motherly.. But I have two people that I guard with my life and both are growing way too fast''[/color] She said. Blake was hanging on to Riley and hugging her like he just found his favorite teddy bear. [color=00aeef]''Iley my fiend''[/color] he said and looked at her with his big eyes. Vanessa smiled and looked at the others around. [color=92278f]''Oh.. Let me introduce myself and this little monkey.. I am Vanessa, good friend of Riley's mother and like a sister to Riley... And the boy she is holding is my three year old little pain Blake''[/color] She said with a smile. Vanessa looked around with a smile but in the corner of her eye she saw something move behind a big tree not that far away. She looked at Blake and gave her son a smile. [color=92278f]''Blake.. Can you stay with Riley? Mommy is gonna grab our tent''[/color] she said. She gave Riley a smile and then walked away, yet instead of going to her truck, she went the other way. She knew that who ever was watching them,could easily have spotted it. But she didn't use her wolf skills unless she really needed too. A little moment later she was standing behind a older man. She didn't know what age he was but she smelled blood and coffee. [color=92278f]''Hello there.. Can we help you with something?''[/color] She asked. She stood a meter away from him and crossed her arms. She looked at him with a normal and calm face but from the inside she was slowly reaching a boiling point. It didn't matter who he was.. Probably he even could recognize her from her youth if he was someone that had lived here all those years. The fact that this older man was spying on a camp with practically only girls who were about to become adults, was something she simply didn't like at all.