Absolutely it does! Kinda nice to go short for a while, you know? I mean, looking back at how long our posts got makes me thankful for being able to have a lull. And yes, we did! Not only will it be nice for them to actually get some time off, but while all the nice stuff is happening, we can figure out what storm will blow through next. I've had an idea going through my head while I'll list for you in a minute. So, I'll just post some thoughts/questions and then we can discuss? -Did you want them to get married in this second Act, have there be an "interlude" between two and three(kinda like SWTOR?) where they get married or have act III begin with the marriage? -In any of those scenarios, I suppose we could have the posting order be: 1. One post from each of us summarizing chaos before marriage/reactions of other characters/setting up and finally leading up to the ceremony itself 2. One post from each of us where the ceremony takes place/reception/partying 3. One post from each of us about first few months(more on that duration of time below) of marriage 4. Introduction to next big threat (more on that in a sec) -How long do you want to skip forward after the marriage? Do you want to skip forward a few months or longer? I'm kinda thinking about six months would be good. Enough time to enjoy themselves/be a married couple teaching at the Academy/getting more experienced and wise. What do you think? So the next threat. I've had some loose strands and a more fleshed out ideas that I'll list below for you: Loose strands: -We could go on a KotFE route and introduce the idea of a whole other galaxy with a sweeping empire that seeks total domination of the universe through the Force(so basically a Force-centered government). Might be interesting to see a whole government run by Force users. Could cause division/questioning of Alliance/defections/betrayals, especially with a good enough leader. -I've really wanted to do something on Quesh, seeing as it just seems like a good place for something horrific to happen, although I don't know what. Maybe former Imperials banding together to try and act as a "neo-Empire" of sorts? <--I know, it's corny, but best I could come up with. -We talked about an alien race coming to investigate all the noise occurring from Aria and Yerbol's galaxy, but creating an alien race sounds daunting. Concrete idea: Soto is freed by a group of "Force separatists"(ich) that have stayed off the radar due to their disagreeing with the newly found Qyaari's principles. This group is led by a former Jedi Master named Lon Zhuse, a once gracious man turned sour by the witch hunt created by Bracknell. Lon and his group maintain a sort of "underground network" of Force users that practice strict adherence to a code of their own which encourages separation from any kind of governmental institution, instead allowing each Force user to explore their own "Force potential". This will naturally appeal to Soto, who quickly agrees to join the group, which has members clamoring to take down the Qyaari's "oppression". Lon and his main cadre begin to plot on how to take down the Qyaari, their first step involving a trip to Belsavis where they destabilize the prison on-site as a distraction before delving deeper into the ruins beneath the surface to do research over the Dread Masters(yay SWTOR lore). The Dread Masters final resting place contains their teachings along with mentions of "Force tears". "Force Tears" are "wounds" in the Force that emanate energy to be sapped by those who can shoulder the burden of what caused the wound. Lon and his group will seek these "Tears" in order to draw enough power to take on the Qyaari and free all Force Users to pursue whatever destiny they choose. What do you think?