[h2]Ryousei Aoyama[/h2] "Y-Yes, ma'am!" Ryousei said, almost instinctively, "Understood!" Ryousei hadn't been aware that he was holding his breath until he exhaled deeply. What a mess, and it was all his fault. Oh well. Ryousei didn't get anywhere in life by playing it safe, after all, but he wasn't stupid. When someone of authority tells him to drop it, he drops it. Ryousei rolled his neck, before demanifesting Yuurei. He walked over to the tree and picked up his shinai again. [hr] [h2]Jun-Sang Kim[/h2] Jun-Sang wordlessly agreed with the other two, and splitting up did seem like a good idea, anyway. So he headed along the path to the assessment test, which looked like it was about to begin. Now who to analyze first... Maybe it would be a good idea to start with any students that looked like they might be trouble, if they ever decided to get a tutor. Hmm... That punk-looking girl with the pink hair might be a good candidate. Making extra sure to stay away from the mingling crowd, Jun-Sang stood and began to observe. [hr] [h2]Rumi Kataoka[/h2] Heh, how droll. Rumi had been sketching the scenery of the woods around her, not really paying attention to the crowd, until she caught the movement of the boy in her periphery. Her eyes followed the movement to see the boy holding a real katana, squaring off against some other girl. She looked down at the paper. She had room. She could fit this in. She looked up again suddenly the sword was gone and huh? Wait... what was going on now? Something... or someone, had seemed to get the attention of the two would-be fighters. She followed their gazes to see an older, very authoritative woman there that Rumi was... reasonably sure wasn't there before. Was it... was it starting? Rumi hummed, thinking for a few seconds, before standing up, putting her sketchbook away and moving toward the gathering of people.