So I recently discovered Beyblade is still alive and kicking as [i]Beyblade Burst[/i], and there are local communities around the US, Canada and other parts of the world that collect and battle them in tournaments. I've also been playing LBX, or Little Battlers Experience on the 3DS, which is about kids battling palm-sized robots. All this has gotten me hyped for a roleplay centered around a similar "battle-toy" game, played by folks of all ages with tournaments and so on. Customization as a highlight for battle effectiveness and campy "believe in yourself" themes a must! Is anybody running something like that now? If not, I just might think about making one. I don't really want to roleplay a fandom setting, but rather create an original one. Players would probably be in middle to high school, and might be part of a school team or just a local friend circle bent on winning the local tourney and heading to nationals, etc. etc. Not sure what sort of game the RP would revolve around yet, but I like the tried-and-true concept of model kit robots. I'd rather have a freeform roleplay devoid of stats & tabletop mechanics, but some technical babble for flavor is nice. And so help me God, don't say Pokémon or Yu-Gi-Oh!. No cards, no critters!