Neri gave a simple nod to Sera when she greeted her back, her stomach growled and she was ready to get some food and then sit with the others, but that was put to a halt when they heard someone calling from outside. Though they were told to stay, Neri couldn’t hold back her curiosity and decided to follow behind Anna, making sure to stay out of her sight. She watched from a corner near the entrance to their hideout, the waterfall made it hard to see who was on the other side and since this stranger was an unknown, she kept her arms crossed near her waist, ready to draw her hilts if need be. Not that she didn’t have faith in their leader, just she knew numbers were better against an opponent, plus someone would need to be really foolish to attack a cave full of Jedi, even if they were still Padawans. [color=lightsteelblue][i]Maybe we should just attack now, better safe than sorry,[/i][/color] she thought to herself, her hands reaching for the hilts on her waist before stopping, remembering again what happened the last time she blindly attacked someone and ended up harming her master as a result. [color=lightsteelblue]“No, best not just yet, I already made that mistake once before, I’ll not do that again,”[/color] Neri whispered quietly to herself, pulling her hands away from her waist slightly, she wondered if it was the Jedi, perhaps they were there to retrieve and punish them, or at the very least, retrieve and punish her, not that she felt she didn’t deserve it.