Hello all! As is obvious, I am on the search for some good RPs to partake in. With that simply said, allow me to tell you of what I enjoy RPing about. ([i]NOTE[/i]: Any role that has been *starred is the role I will write as). } Vampire / Vampire } Vampire / *Human } Humanoid-Alien / *Human } Demon / *Human } Female / Female } *Emo / Lover } Controlist / Victim } Captor / *Victim } Goddess / *Human } *Neko / Vampire Those are my pairings I enjoy RPing. I really don't have any triggers when it comes to my RPs, so if YOU have any, please let me know. After all, both of us should enjoy the RP. However, not they are triggers, but [b]here's what I don't like in my RPs[/b]. } Senseless Torture / Torture } Sexual / Erotica Content } Anime / Manga / Fandom RPs } Western RPs } Magic And now onto things I enjoy including in with my RPs to make them more of a story. } Angst / Pain / Drama } Pregnancies } Force } Restrainment / Silencing } Romance } [s]Adult Breastfeeding[/s] } "Some" Taboo Subjects If still interested in RPing with me, please send me a PM with what you're interested in writing about, and we can go from there.