[@HeySeuss][@vietmyke][@Mercenary Lord][@Draken][@AlexStarsion][@Mike73] That took a little longer than expected but hey better late than never right? Kind of a boring post really, lots of dialogue, important for like exposition shit but you know. So do whatever, finish up whatever conversations you need to, and get on that truck cause it time to go [s]save the world![/s] look at books? Rob a military installation? Who the fuck knows what you assholes are gonna do. xD [sub]Also fun behind the scenes look for this post, the crazy apocalypse cult was always going to be a thing. Cause much like you have Vangar and Rassvet fighting, you have the robot and these guys fighting because they both want to use our lovely living Mcguffin princess for well [i]things[/i]. I always did promise you eldritch abominations. My hand was just forced earlier than I anticipated, because I realized I could work them in with this juicy plot hook that [@Mercenary Lord] gave me. Which was originally planned as a whole nother subplot that I didn't really like in the end because it became too politky for my liking. Kinda took away from the whole friends and a shitty car try to the save the world from monsters and robots and robot monsters thing. Which I only just realized after finishing the first version of this post. Which is why it took way longer than anticipated since I had to rewrite it. Which is why you guys just got a stupid long lore dump. I'll try to refrain from those in the future. Cause they are bad writing and rather clunky.[/sub]