Thanks for the reply [@Dervish]. First of all, thanks for your compliments. They mean a lot. You brought up a lot of really points that I will both implement as soon as possible (I'm at work ATM) and take into heavy consideration. Like I said before, I got VERY carried away with the character, and by the end, I knew some things were gonna have to change - but I also felt pretty proud and just wanted people to look at it, lol. Anyways, I'll be addressing the points you made in a list in chronological order for convenience's sake. Strength: it was compared in her skills that her strength was like an orc's - but you're right that in Tamriel, that's still pretty much the same as super-strengths d can be very hard to justify, if at all possible. It would be better described that perhaps her inhibitions were practically stripped from her. It still serves the same image of a small Bosmer woman dealing more damage than you'd reasonably expect her to, but there's the added bonus of her harming herself in the process. So less Hulk, more berserker. Thanks! Possession: this is actually a fantastic concern, and the alternatives you offered are routes I should have taken instead. Normally I would've done what you said about irresistible urges and the line between her desires and MB's being blurred, but I literally spent 12 hours straight writing her and sometimes you forget about where you're going and the flow steals you along. I did a huge literary no-no in submitting the rough draft instead of rereading and assessing. Enough excuses though, it's an absolutely lovely idea and I'll be sure to incorporate it when I can. Voices: this is understandable. The veil between Nirn and Oblivion may not allow for clear communication, and the image of a more chaotic, confusing form of communication would be much more eerie - this was something I did not take into consideration, mostly because I played a lot of Skyrim and ESO, and you can clearly hear Bal's voice in both games. Is there a reason that would've changed? At least from Skyrim, in ESO, Coldharbor was anchoring itself to Nirn, so it would make sense that his voice would be clearer. You could also only hear him at his shrine, but couldn't I argue that Wylendriel also serves as a medium? Conjuration: understood, only problem I think is that the theme of her wielding a mace is iconic of Molag Bal, and the Oblivion spell required you to be adept. Could we rectroact act, given how Skyrim only requires you to be a novice to conjure a bound sword? Mercenaries: this is probably the most important as it determines whether she's a good fit for the role play or not. I like what you said about Molag Bal's influence making her at least a little bloodthirsty - corruption, like you said, is far more compelling than Ball Prince sitting next to a button under a label that reads "Fuck Up Her Day". Aldmeri Dominion: there's a lot here I'm sure I misunderstood. There's a lot of history here that Im sure I'm not aware of - I studied Valenwood, not the Dominion. What I do know is that the Dominion actually did conduct purges even in Valenwood, though that information was really hard to find. I know that cannibalism started going out of practice around the 2nd Era. It definitely still exist, but you'll still find Bosmer who think such a thing is kinda gross. Wylendriel is actually a massive rework of an older sheet, so some inaccuracies and awkward wording might still exist, and definitely would've restricted my creative ability by putting me in this box to work within - but I genuinely didn't know hold long the Third Dominion has been around. That will get fixed (I told you you were gonna find problems!) Back to the purges, they were likely worded to be an (unintentional) exaggeration of the truth. I don't actually know how widespread these purges are or how many Bosmer were killed at a time. Just that this incarnation of the Dominion, or at least the Thalmor, are massive dicks. I made it sound like the Altmer's Dominion probably because, yknow, the Altmer's are the ones who run it. I actually didn't know (or forgot) about the Aldmeri. Huh. Cool. As always, input is appreciated. I may not be able to make immediate changes on my phone, but I'll see what I can get done. If it turns out to be too much of a hassle, I'll just wait till I get home. Night. Shift. Sucks.