Smiling, Kaleeth gave Janius a quick kiss. "Okay, I'll go get Julan. Rhazii will probably want to come too, but that's fine. I'll be back in a few minutes." Since the children were in the barracks, it did not take Kaleeth long to go retrieve them. They had been told not to stray from the barracks to prevent them from accidentally getting into trouble while in the barracks. They were not normally so restrictive of them, but Meesei did not want to risk any mishaps with their beast spirits while in the middle of an Imperial stronghold. Rhazii in particular, being on the edge of sixteen, was at the age where he was becoming rather mature, but was also still inexperienced with an impetuous beast spirit. It was a potentially dangerous combination. Julan, at least, was completely aware that his beast was difficult to control. With Rhazii unlikely to want to be left alone in the barracks, Kaleeth brought both of them back to Janius with her. The group was all dressed appropriately for the city. While Kaleeth had arrived in her armor, she did not want to wander the city in Dwarven metal. Though, her distaste for dresses prompted her to choose a pair of leather trousers and a simple cloth tunic. She was no proper Imperial lady, but she was not entirely out of place, especially in a city like Bravil. "So, where is the first place our guide is taking us?" Kaleeth asked as they approached. When in armor, it took more than just a strike to end a duel in training for them. Since a sword would do next to nothing if struck against plate across most of the body, one of them would have to land a meaningful strike that would be damaging in a real fight for a bout to end. Lorag was not wearing his helmet, so his head was vulnerable, though neither of them tended to aim for strikes to the head in training for safety. Even a blunted weapon could be dangerous if accidentally swung with too much force. More likely would be a well-placed strike to the joints, or even a disabling grapple. Fendros' strike towards Lorag's shoulder could potentially hit his neck, so he opened by parrying with his shield, then angled his leg for the metal plate to deflect his following strike. Lorag was skilled at keeping himself well protected while minimizing his own movements. Since he had not yet moved his sword arm, he was able to quickly follow up by performing an upwards strike at Fendros' side, attempting to make a cut towards his armpit. Although, Lorag had not acted quite as fast as he knew he could have, so an opponent as skilled as Fendros could react.