[@Spoopy Scary] Oh, getting carried away's never a bad thing. Sometimes you just gotta throw things at the wall and see what sticks, or tumble a rock until a gemstone shows up. I mean, so far nothing's topped the ridiculousness that was the werewolf dragon hybrid I saw as an application in one of my games. This is much, MUCH more grounded in comparison. Plus, you're easy to work with, everyone should be like you haha. Beserker makes way more sense than Hulk. Obviously evoking the big green guy makes one a bit apprehensive! I know what you mean by sometimes overlooking things when coming out of a marathon writing session; I'm doing a second character right now and I'm finding all sorts of things I could have worded better, but sometimes it's good just to get it out when you're inspired. Honestly, a part of my influence suggestion may or may not stem from the whole Mass Effect indoctrination thing, but I always figured that Daedric influence wouldn't be dissimilar. And you're absolutely right; Molag Bal and other Daedra speak very clearly and concisely to the Dovahkiin and I assume a lot of his followers (Bal's, not the 'Kiinmeister), but my thought that I didn't really elaborate is someone who's actively trying to resist the influence might have to deal with a lot less coherent images and voices that is more of a slow burn. We'll see what Cold thinks on that point. Oh, sorry! Should have been more clear. I think conjuration is fine where it is, I just meant she was a novice at conjuration when she came under the influence and was bequeathed a bunch of Daedric boogaloo that propelled her capacity. It just gives her a bit of a foundation that was built upon, and in a way it's almost like a metaphor for Bal's defilement; something that was originally meant to be used for more benign and responsible purposes was co-opted for his own purposes against her will. And good to know! I'll admit that a lot of my knowledge on elven stuff is a lot more spotty than other people (I've spent most of my time studying Khajiit stuff over the years for characters, and it's one of those things where you tend to play what you know), so please don't take my word as law when it comes to the itty gritty in the lore in cases like this where you have information contrary to what I'm saying. I'd be interested in reading up on the whole purge thing that went down, mainly to get some context. Was it a revolt that was put down, a brewing rebellion? I just have a hard time imagining the Thalmor cracking down on fellow elves they are aligned with the same way they'd hammer Talos worship in Skyrim. But yes, the Thalmor are indeed a bunch of cock juggling thundercunts with less redeeming qualities than the next assholes on the next tier on the tower of douchebaggery. And no rush! I just wanted to make sure you had some form of response in a timely manner.