[quote=@Spoopy Scary] AAAHHHH! I was just thinking of Mass Effect, actually! I'm so glad you know about that game! I was imagining that yeah, while similar to indoctrination, the actual sounds and images she might hear and see would be like using the Prothean beacons, where it's a bunch of horrific noises and clips. I think she would be less deluded than Saren was, and would be able to identify the fine lines and what is and isn't normal for her, but still struggling to resist what Molag wants from her. I reread it and it looked as though that's exactly where I was going with it, but in the backstory, possession came out from the left field. That may be one of the remnants of her first character sheet. We can shake and call it a deal on Conjuration. It'd be reasonable to expect a priestess of Kynereth to learn that school in order to summon nature based familiars and banish daedra. That also means I don't have to carry that scroll around. There actually isn't much out there about the purges, it's somewhat obscure. You're right that Valenwood probably wouldn't side with them if the Thalmor consistently slaughtered anyone they didn't like. Apparently it was just small enough that the Silvenar and Green Lady, for some reason, would let them get away with it. Perhaps because their alliance was too important. Without them, the empire would try to rule them and they didn't want that either. I just know they existed, but anything more than that is fan theory. I'll make the changes when I can. Thanks for the help! I'm looking forward to what gcold has to say. [/quote] I am arguably a bigger Mass Effect fan than an Elder Scrolls fan; I'm loosely GMing another ME RP and just along the ride for another at the moment. The beacons would be a pretty good point of reference for what I had in mind! But also, I wouldn't say Saren was deluded; he was just heavily indoctrinated by the time you meet him. The thing with indoctrination (also applies for The Illusive Man, who was indoctrinated all the way back in the First Contact War) is that it very subtly tugs at people and plays off their values and opinions so they feel like what they're doing is the right thing without realizing it was a suggestion, albeit an almost irresistibly strong one, that plays right into their hands even if it can take literally decades, which mean nothing for sentient machines that are millions of years old. You get a really good insight into how it effects someone first had from the novels where a character named Grayson, who is the protagonist of the story, who becomes exposed to Reaper tech deliberately by Cerberus and you get to join him on his horrifying journey as the indoctrination becomes more and more invasive, and the more he actively resists, the more the Reapers take direct control over him. It's super fucked up and horrifying but interesting! Might be worth checking out if you're looking for ideas or just a good read. See? Less paper is good for everyone. ;D