[centre][b][h1][color=lightblue]Phoebe[/color][/h1][/b][/centre] Location: Overwatch Headquarters - Forks; Washington Interactions: Dr. Zeigler ([@Vicier]), Fareeha Amari, Erika Striker ([@Kaithas]), Winston ([@Lmpkio]), Asbjorn Hagen ([@December]), Văn Nguyệt ([@Pirouette]), Ajax Amari ([@Ajax Amari]), Genji ([@Jacobite]), Ansgar {[@Eisenhorn]} [hr][hr] Phoebe watched the the others, silent, which wasn't all that strange. Sometimes Phoebe thought that she got along with animals a lot better then she got along with people. Animals were just so much easier. She smiled at the scene with Ajax, and his puppy, finding it adorable. The puppy might find himself dirty from time to time, but he was in good health, Ajax made sure of that. At the talk of missions, she looked up with interest, wondering if she be given one, but worried that if she did, she wouldn't be well suited to it. She pressed back against a wall as Virgil entered, not particularly liking him, and not really wanting to be on his radar. She swallowed, bowing her head, and flicking a glance over to Winston. She sighed softly, wanting to be helpful, but if he didn't want her help, she didn't really have anything that she could do. She couldn't force her help on someone. Shifting, she looked up as Angela began to give people mission, and as, one by one, the missions dwindled away, Phoebe knew she wouldn't be given one. While she knew that didn't mean anything, she couldn't help but feel like...maybe she had done something wrong? Shaking her head, she shifted, and gave a small smile to Orana, as the wolf pup trotted clumsily to her. She crouched, smiling to herself. Animals really were a lot easier to deal with. She reached out, and stroked the wolf pup, and lifted the pup up as she stood, she made a note to make sure that she'd be on time for training, even if she did fall on her butt during it, she needed to get better with...well, fighting. Holding the pup carefully, she returned to her office, setting Orana back down on the table, she examined the stitches, and satisfied, she let her roam about, cleaning up a little bit, making sure everything was in rights, she yawned, covering her mouth, she found a leash, not wanting Orana to get in trouble in the base, and wanting her close, to keep an eye on her. Leaving her office, with Orana by herself, Phoebe retreated to her room, retrieving her cyroblaster, she sat down on her bed, still made from the day before, and sighed, examining it. Even after a few months being at the base, Phoebe was still unable to reliable create walls. Having worked on the blaster under her sisters guidance, Phoebe felt like she had someone betrayed Mei's confidence in her. She sighed, and laid back, checking the time, she rose once more, heading out once more. She wasn't too sure where she was going, and merely let her feet guide her.