[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/TQwX6Jx.png[/img][/center][center][url=http://fontmeme.com/graffiti-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170321/3a5f51b2144885a3a7c4fdd837970525.png[/img][/url][/center][center][hider=BGM][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vBTizLUTs8[/youtube][/hider][/center] With Ira's sword still firmly lodged in his right kidney and the fire on it eating away at his flesh and feathers, Syphax's vision quite literally turned red as he watched Hildr dominate the current Queen of Hell. He felt a surge of many different emotions though him at the sight; rage, betrayal, inadequacy, to name a few. As he looked down at his own blood that now stained his hands and at the hilt buried in his torso. He could even feel his body starting to burn faster, most of his torso charred with black flame by then, everything slowly numbing as his body prepared for death. Though something struck him at that moment, a feeling he was entirely unfamiliar with, something akin to both injustice and envy. His breathing became labored as his right hand clasped around the hilt of the blade inside him, and he choked out a few words. [color=a36209]"Hildr..."[/color] [color=a36209]"GIVE ME MY KILL DAMMIT!"[/color] Every part of his body protested against movement as his mind refused to let him finally die, though his left hand met with the right around the blunt end of the weapon, and started to pull. With a savage tear that probably did much more harm than good, the red katana was forcibly removed from where it had entered his kidney and he started losing a vast amount of blood. Knuckles threatening to turn from scaly brown to white around the sword, he attempted to start a charge fueled by a blind rage not at Ira, but a Hildr, though he was stopped before he could even rise by some outside force. This force turned out to be Victoire, the Blood Countess, an infamous Demon known for taking just about everything to bed at one time or another. He was forced onto his back by the lightweight he would normally be able to kick off without much effort, but he was on the cusp of death. With the vampire now draining his blood and a swarm of bats obscuring her figure even at this close distance, he could feel himself fading, the fire spreading faster as his vitality was quite literally drained. The sword belonging to Ira fell from his grasp as he weakened rapidly, though as he felt the flames lick at his jawline, he thought he could just barely make out the silhouette of the succubus on top of him. With the last of his strength, the ghastly flames jumping from the tips of his fingers on his right hand now, he reached out in an attempt to grab her arm and spread Ira's curse to her own faction. No matter the result, he gave out moment later, wings twitching for a moment before rigor mortis set in unnaturally quickly and his body was fully turned to charcoal by the black fire. If his grab had been successful, he wouldn't have died alone that day. [center][@KoL][@TheWindel][@Lonewolf685][/center][hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/jGxtrS8.png[/img][/center][center][url=http://fontmeme.com/futuristic-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170321/3b3f090e91e94d13144a51fc2f2bcc88.png[/img][/url][/center] For one reason or another, Marquis was largely ignored by the army of ice that had been sent after the other snipers, and without seeing them as an immediate threat, he decided he was better off tracking down the one responsible for bringing such a force to Arcadia. And what better place to start than the giant wall of ice that had just been formed for literally no reason? The only other explanation he could think of would've been Alexi, though her vitals had flatlined awhile ago. So with Bindlebane held in his right hand, he passed on through what was left of the frost legion and went in the direction of erected wall. With an entirely uneventful trip over, the android pressed his back to the short side of the wall, revolver in his left hand now as he prepared to round the corner. He took a second before popping from his cover, and identified a pair of targets at that moment. One was Ghelgath, who he had spent excessive time examining during Hohenheim's Trials, a dangerous enemy to be caught alone with. However, he was wounded and there was an Angel bearing down on him, recognized as Tartys. On the other hand, no one would know who he was in this situation. This, unfortunately, was the bane of being a sniper, literally no one knew who you were at a glance. Well, this was beside the point. Standing up straight with an arm extended, Marquis pulled a glowing pocket watch from his coat. He gave it a click and only for a fraction of a millisecond, the Nexus paused. For most, it was something totally undetectable and wouldn't have any direct impact on anyone unless they were extremely sensitive to temporal disruptions, though it gave the AI that extra moment he needed to calculate two angles that would lead to both Ghelgath and Tartys. Directly after the disruption, the chassis' back flared oped and the trigger of Bindlebane was pulled twice, one bullet going for knee of the Ice Demon, and the other going for where Tartys' head would be in mere seconds on her flight path. True to his conversation with Alexi, he needed to take someone with total mastery over ice to do some... research, on. As if the Nexus wanted revenge for the use of his watch, the island shook visibly as he pulled the trigger on the Angel, throwing his aim off by around an inch or so. [center][@Flamelord][@Lmpkio][@Inner Demon][/center]