[@Savo] Aiming for things to be on the downlow right now, so no guns yet, if that's what you're asking. Feel free to have him be non-Japanese. [quote=@AdmrlStalfos19] So... I'm considering putting my Tower girl's age at around 18 or 19, on the condition that she failed a key subject that would've otherwise got her into tertiary education (I'm imagining that Japanese would be [i]one[/i] of such subjects, but I wouldn't know what else could possibly be on the list of "must-haves" for Japanese culture in particular.) Would this be acceptable? I'm also debating, but not 100% sure, whether I want to put Megido on the list of my Persona's current skills or leave it as something that will be unlocked as the RP progresses. The Persona itself will be more inclined towards Fire skills, so I don't mind giving Megido a miss if it too heavily outclasses what's expected. Though I'd rather hear your opinion on this, [@Crimmy] [/quote] I'm not sure if you can still stay in high school just by failing the tertiary entrance exams, but I know that if your overall grades are incredibly terrible during a school year and you fail the exams to pass to the next grade, you're stuck there. Massive stigma there in Japan though, so that could be kept in mind. Megido's a bit too much right now. [@Bornlucky] Ryoma looks good. [quote=@chukklehed] I think it's probably time to move this to an OOC don't you? [/quote] Yeah, I'll start writing up the OOC and get everyone moving over to it. (god playing persona 5 to 6am in the morning means waking up at nearly 3)