Apologies for the blank post, I wanted to try and revise the CS I had posted last night a bit once I had the free time to do so. Name: Dimitri Collins Age: 18 Appearance: [hider][img]http://www.heightdb.com/sites/default/files/styles/entity_photo/public/field/image/Kevin%20Grevioux%20height.jpg?itok=5BHCk_J3[/img]- A little detail regarding physical traits: Dude ate his fucking Wheaties. The guy is best described as a fridge with legs, standing at roughly 6'4" in height and weighing in at two hundred fifteen pounds.[/hider] Specialty: As the captain of the boxing club at his local gym Dimitri is a true force to be reckoned with. His sheer size and strength paired with years or training and experience gives him the edge in most fights that he enters. Ironically enough this aptitude for inflicting harm pales in comparison to his ability to mend wounds. After taking a few first aid classes, reading a few books, and using himself (and occasionally his club mates) for practice after matches, the guy is a natural when it comes to medicinal matters, able to bandage, bind, disinfect, set bones, and stitch, well enough to last until proper medical help can be received. Just don't expect much in the way of good bedside manners, "Stop being a lil' bitch about it" is a phrase that will become very familiar to those that complain while he does his work. Bio: Dimitri's life leading up until the recent years was best described as fairly mundane until recently, save for a few rough patches that is. Having a career marine for a father and a project architect for a mother meant that, while Dimitri wasn't exactly born with a silver spoon in his mouth, he has more than enough to get by and was subject to a pretty comfortable, if somewhat strict childhood in the beginning. This began to change somewhere around the time that he entered into the fifth year of elementary school. The stresses of his parent's careers began to cause a rift in the once happy couple's relationship. Disagreements turned into arguments, then into full on shouting matches, then into terrible silence as both parties began outright ignoring each other completely. Of course they still tried to put on a show of being happy for Dimitri's sake, but after a while even a child could pick up what was going on. It all came to a head during Dimitri's eight grade year. His father, having been deployed at the time, one day mailed home his wedding ring with a note that simply read "I'm done" and never came back after returning to he states. His mother took this a lot poorer than Dimitri would have expected. She started drinking heavily, and had picked up the sort of smoking habit that would make a pack-a-day smoker turn visibly ill. After a while she began blaming Dimitri for the failed relationship, heaping verbal and physical abuse onto the boy in an effort to find comfort with her life. In his desperation to see his mother appeased he tried to apologize once and ended up catching an ash tray to he jaw for his troubles. You know how people occasionally have what we call a moment of clarity? Well the sight of her son crumpled in a heap on the floor was (former) Mrs. Collins'. Dimitri would be sent to live with his grandmother in Missouri while his mother tried to seek thereputic help. His nana was firm but as sweet as can be, providing much needed love and discipline as Dimitri grew over the next few years. After a bit of work to become his legal guardian in exchange for brief visitations from his mother, Nana Collins quickly became the guiding hand and pillar that Dimitri needed. Under her watchful eye Dimitri overcame a brief delinquent phase, picked up an extracurricular activity and passed through all the milestones that an average teenager would; license, first car, first job, dances, etc. up until now, his final year of high school. All's well that ends well, right? Ha, no. With his final year of high school laid out before him Dimitri allowed himself to think that everything could only get better from that point on; and then the break in happened. With the claw marks and fur that were strewn around the house it was ruled as a black bear attack, likely a large male that was used to being fed and had lost its fear of humans. Nana Collins, while alive, was hospitalized. With medical insurance covering hospital bills Dimitri focused on trying to ensure his grandma would have a home to return to when she got out, picking up extra weekend and graveyard shifts at his job at a 24 hour doughnut shop to keep up with bills when savings could be put to better use. As one would imagine, this would have a poor effect on both his social life and his sleeping patterns. Now, perhaps it was the lack of sleep, but when it was just him in the shop Dimitri swore he could see strange things in the darkness. When his nana up and disappeared one night from the hospital Dimitri finally realized that something was very, [i]very[/i] wrong around town. He's never been one to believe in the supernatural, but with each night it becomes harder to deny that there could very well be something waiting in the darkness for people to drop their guard. It becomes especially hard when the moon is full, and he swears he can hear howling in the distance, or soft scratches and snuffling at the back door of his house.