"Of course. I should get changed as well." Janius looked down at his own armour and stood up with Kaleeth. A short time later, Janius stood in the courtyard dressed similarly to Kaleeth, but with a leather jerkin, green tunic, and his axe still looped on his belt. He smiled up at Kaj-Julan and Rhazii, both to greet them, and with amusement that Rhazii's imposing height for his age would attract almost as much attention as their expensive armours would have. "Hello again, boys," Janius said with a nod. "Hello uncle," Rhazii answered with a smile. His upbringing was around an eclectic population, but his accent was decidedly Cyrodilic. Janius put his hands together and let them swing down either side of his body. "Well, the nearest spots to the palace are the more noble residences," he said to Kaleeth. "I thought to take us around there, have a walk, point things out, and then..." Janius put his hands on his hips and turned his head to the gate. "If there is enough daylight, we could have a walk around on the other side of the canal. That's where...well, the rest of the town is, really." Rhazii angled his head curiously. "Why can't we walk around there without daylight?" "It's a rough city," Janius answered immediately. "It's not exactly deadly for the likes of us, but...I would rather not make our visit here difficult." He turned his head to Julan and Rhazii in particular, pointing to them. "We don't want you two transforming within the walls." The expression on Rhazii's face dropped to a disappointed frown and he huffed, looking down. "Okay, fine," he said with some annoyance. Fendros could tell by how the sword blows felt on his hand that he did not strike successfully. He brought his sword around to try and cut at Lorag's unshielded elbow, but had to instead move his shield to check the swing coming in at his side. His movement was overcompensated, deflecting the blow after a longer instant than he had anticipated, but he only mildly processed Lorag's slowness before trying to capitalise on his defence. Now that Lorag's sword was against his shield and his hands in a good position to try the move, Fendros brought the knuckles of his sword hand up against the inside of his shield with the sword point turned to Lorag and tried to thrust around his shield with his sword displaced. It was hard to pinpoint where a gap was in Lorag's armour, but Fendros tried to aim for a spot under the shoulder or between the front and back of his cuirass.