[hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=ed1c24][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Chapter%20Two%3A%20Retribution&name=SATAM___.ttf&size=50&style_color=ed1c24[/img][hr][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/6f/d1/17/6fd117300f58f3664c730c2e4312c182.gif[/img][/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][hr][center][h3] [b][i]Date:[/i][/b] Sunday May 21th, 2017[/h3][/center][center][hr] [@Sigil] [@Morose] [@Dragoknighte] [@Scallop] [@Nallore][/center][hr][hr] [b][i][color=ed1c24]Justice Asylum:[/color][/i][/b] - Cynthia slowly stopped her doodling, the crayon in her hand going still as her eyes stared seemingly blankly at the piece of paper covered with looked no more than a red ink blot test gone very wrong. "You don't understand. No he doesn't understand. He will. Yes he will. Should we explain? What good at words? Actions then? I suppose so. We did promise to behave. Yes but we know some promises have to be bent. Broken more like it. Alright, broken," she said in a child's voice laced with innocence as she spoke to herself. Debating with herself. The tip of the crayon getting pressed so hard against the paper that it snapped. "Shall we? Let's." Her eyes coming up from the paper, slowly rising until they locked with Felix's. The corner of her mouth tugging gradually into a manically sadistic cheshire grin. It was a look that Riley, Marc and a handful of others had seen before; one they knew all too well. "No... Valentine is coming," she said in a slow steady voice laced with acid. Balling her fingers around the red crayon, Cynthia suddenly sprang from her seat. Coming up like a lynx after it's prey. "Time to paint a pretty pretty picture!" she cackled as one hand reached to claw at Felix and the other seemed determined to drive that children's drawing implement right into his jugular. Laughing sadistically she was bent to tackle, pin him, and create the most stunning picture she had ever created. [b][i][color=ed1c24]Cab:[/color][/i][/b] - Relic listened s he shuffled in his seat somewhat. It was an interesting way to get into it. He could use some confidence himself but the first thought running through his mind was that he'd half to work out until he got in good enough shape to even go to the gym. being in front of everyone with his spindly legs and pale skin just made him even more nervous just thinking about it. At her little crack of a joke about the pickle jar he laughed a little and nodded. "Well, and carrying around feather weights like a sake of potatoes," he added with a little smile. Looking down he pushed his glassed back up the bridge of his nose. "Which, by the way, thanks for that. Don't remember if I said it earlier," he added as he looked out the window. The cab was finally out of the city and into the suburbs. On a hill where the sun was starting to set was an older looking farm house. It looked really old. Not old as in worn down but old as just in the architecture. The house looked like it could have easily been built pre-civil war. "We're here," he said as the cab drove through the white picket fence gate and up to the front of the gravel driveway. The house was surrounded for miles by pastures that were fenced, horses grazing out in said pasture. There was a small pond where ducks and geese were swimming. Some chickens wandered around the front clucking away as Relic got out of the cab and paid the man. A rough bell could be heard banging quietly as Relic spun around. It was hanging around the neck of a goat. "Juniper! Don't!" he yelled but it was no use the goat ran up to him and butted him right in the rear sending him stumbling forward and barely being able to catch himself. "Sweet Jesus!, Juniper! You's lets him be!" a country voice called out from the front porch. It was Zoie, her southern twang coming out a lot more than when she was in the city. The goat baa'ed before trotting off as she stepped down the porch. She looked so different than she had in the club. She was wearing jeans, a white button down dress shirt, cowboy boots, a lace apron around her waist and was cleaning her hands off on a dish rag. The heavy seductress make up was replaced by soft shades and natural lips. She smiled as her feet hit the gravel. "Sorry 'bout that, fergot to tie him up b'fore yous got here," she said hugging her brother. "Yeah, no worries." Relic hugged her back and then looked over at Mali. "Oh yeah, Zoie this is Mali, Mali - Zoie." "Oh right from the bar." Zoie said holding her hand out to offer a welcoming shake to Mali. "Welcome to my home, come on in ya two. Supper almost ready."