Eventually the two Keratian warriors arrived to the tournament. No battles has started yet, but many participants were armored and ready for the brawl. There was a total of sixty participates in today’s tournament, fifteen from each nation. The first event would be the melee fights; because today was suppose to be a meeting between the royalty from different nations, your local fighters and peasant warriors weren’t allowed to participate. However the melee fights would allow them to at least compete against one another, and if one shows particular promise they may be picked out by a kingdom to fight for them. However it came with a price: the melee fight is a massive one-hundred man free-for-all, with no guarantee of equal equipment or skill. The only limit is that your weapon cannot be sharp; beyond that you could have anyone from fully armored mercenaries to poor beggars trying to enter the fight. After the melee fight comes the Grand Melee. The fifteen chosen fighters from each of the other four kingdoms will enter the arena and battle one another until there is only one man standing. Whoever is the last fighter standing, his kingdom’s warriors will be allowed to move onto the next round. Those who have fallen can still continue onward if they shown honor or skill. Afterwards there would be a series of different duels and challenges the kingdoms will participate in in order to rack up points and eventually become the grand champions. There would be such things like archery competition, jousting, wrestling, one-on-one combat, and other martial sports. But the Grand Melee is Ntaj’s favorite event. One thing that usually happens during these tournaments however is that the fighters would be given armor and equipment from the tournament itself. They were not the best; chainmail shirts and wooden weapons in order to minimize the chance of death. This was fine in a melee fight, but Ntaj wanted to see the finest warriors these nations had to offer. They couldn’t be their best if they were swinging around sticks. So as Ntaj and Mordekai entered the arena to survey the scene, they walked to the center of the arena where they could be heard. Ntaj wasn’t the most charming man, but he had a big voice. And he had something to say. [color=firebrick]”Lords and ladies, warriors and knights of each nation! May I have your attention! I am Ntaj Tseeb Yaj, son of Pah Zoov Yaj of the Empire of Keratia. I welcome you to this fine day and I am glad to see some of your finests men and women take up arms and fight for the honor of your nation. This tournament has many meanings, and for me it marks the celebration of my nation’s liberation from The Dome, freeing my people from the scrutiny of dead gods. For too long have we been hiding behind the cage we had called a wall, but no more! Now we are a free people, to interact and coexist with other nations outside our borders. So as today’s host, I too shall liberate us from the bindings we thought protected us. Today, those who participate in the Grand Melee shall use their own arms and armor. Real steel, to fight against true warriors. I am aware of the dangers of such an act, and I am willing to compensate your wounds. Keratia’s best healers shall attend to you and ensure that you will not meet death today, so fight. Fight to your heart’s content! Show us your true selves on the battlefield. Hold nothing back.”[/color] Raising his fist into the air Ntaj received a roaring cheer from those within the arena and anyone else listening, though he could also hear faint booing and shouting. He didn’t care though; let the rats and the sheep cower before the tigers and dragons. Today was suppose to be a test of true mettle. Those who wished to only get by through handicaps or luck had no place here. As Ntaj returned to Mordekai his orc friend was giving him a strange look through his helmet. [color=firebrick]”What?’[/color] Ntaj said as he took off his helmet for some fresh air. [color=forestgreen]”I could sense a fascination within you. Normally you half-ass your speeches, even the ones you prepared. You must have found something interesting in the forests to make such a passionate speech on the spot. Someone you wish to see, perhaps?”[/color] The prince snorted, but didn’t look at Mordekai. He could see lies in one’s eyes. [color=firebrick]”Cowardly bandits and brigands should turn their blades from commoners to each other. Those cowards wouldn’t take part of this battle if they couldn’t muster up some courage.”[/color] This time Mordekai snorted as he turned to look at Ntaj’s face. However Ntaj started walking away, ensuring that Mordekai could only see his back. [color=forestgreen]”Strange, you were speaking about the Grand Melee, not just the melee fights. Come now Ntaj, you need to hone your deception.”[/color] Ntaj put his helmet on and began to walk out of the arena. [color=firebrick]”Quiet you. We’ll speak no more of this. I’ve made my appearance and my speech, so now we have some time before the Melee Fights and the Grand Melee itself. Lets be off and see if there is anything else of interest in this Kingdom.”[/color]