[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/M5I1dzL.png[/img][/center] [center][h2][color=red][u] [color=white]☬[/color] [b]Ira[/b] [color=white]☬[/color] [/u] [color=red][sup][sup][i]Current [color=white]Location:[/color] Arcadia[/i][/sup][/sup][/color] [img] http://i.imgur.com/UKdGHlR.png [/img][/color][/h2][/center] [center][img] https://s16.postimg.org/gads5qrdh/image.png[/img][/center] What was supposed to be an easy victory for Heaven was soon squandered into more complications. And who else but the queen of complexity herself had chosen to make a claim in this battle but the haughty vampire, Victoire. But complexity was all that was needed to turn this conflict right back around and soon enough, a myriad of events occurred. Hildr was thrown off of Hell's Queen, the great Demon rose up with a dark roar of fury. Syphax had collapsed at long last from the effects of her black flames, her sword scattered on the ground. Picking it up, Ira turned to see her daughter face off against the primordial vampire, the usage of a dog for a weapon being a stupid idea in hindsight. [color=red]"You vampires are crafty creatures,"[/color] she muttered, walking behind Hildr and holding her sword out. It was two on one now and both sides were near-beaten; numbers would be the deciding factor here. [color=orange]"You two are beyond stubborn."[/color] The Elder Valkyrie spat, unceremoniously discarding the remnants of Victoire's pet since it had failed to do her in. It was a stupid choice of weapon, no doubt, but some days Hildr just felt like going for shock value. Seeing as she was now surrounded by a bullet hell on one side and her edge lord father on the other, that time had passed. [color=orange]"Ugh, of all the people, it's you two. I literally can't think of any people I'd be less liable to surrender to. Daddy issues on one side, and off brand Black Goat on the other."[/color] She'd have to settle for seeing if Syphax was frisky later. In the present conflict she decided that Victoire needed to be dealt with so Ira could be apprehended again. Her eyes turned into a stolid silver, forming a hulking tower shield between her and the oncoming swarm that she was all to eager to take by the handle and charge forward with. Victoire would sooner hear the ever increasing cackles of manically laughter approaching then see Hildr through the tide of crimson as it was parted with powerful strides swiftly approaching. [color=crimson]"What, don't compare me with tha—"[/color] Victoire was going to complain about something when she was suddenly halted by the sight of silver light flashing from Hildr's eyes. Looking with disdain at the Elder Valkyrie, she said, [color=crimson]"Of course it had to be Eyes, huh? What does that Creep see in people like you?"[/color] As she said so, Victoire had just enough time to fly over Hildr's head, aiming to hit her with a volley of blood spears, formed from the widespread cloud of blood that kept on taking over Arcadia's landscape. [color=red]"Don't forget about Daddy Dearest,"[/color] Ira said, launching from behind Hildr with a kick to her back. Given her damaged state, she would need to rely on Victoire and it was doubtful this battle would be prolonged for much later. It would end soon enough, one way or another. That was why she wasted no time in raising her blade to try and run it right through Hildr, aiming to incapacitate her just enough for Victoire to finish her off. Had Victoire not leapt over Hildr, changing the direction with which Hildr needed to guard herself, then Ira would have had an easy time running Hildr through. As it were, the rain of projectiles rattling off Hildr's armor was met with a violent swing of her shield which inadvertently smacked the lunging sword aside. [color=orange]"Wait your turn."[/color] Kick answered kick, the daughter knocking her winded father back to free herself up for ending the vampire. The shield was firmly planted in the ground, tiling forward at an acute angle while a rip line formed in her off hand. Sadly, she passed up on the typical Mortal Kombat reference, despite the many hours her children invested upon it, and hurled the barbed chain directly into the airborne vampire's chest. Ira would have a spectacular view of her subordinate being yanked from the sky and driven into the lip of the shield with such force bones would shatter and her body would fold like paper around the silver tool. [color=orange]"Okay Daddy Dearest, let me make this real simple for you, now that your exit ticket is coming with me. Drop the sword, and I won't use it to express your anus. Keep struggling, and I will make you bleed for a [i]very[/i] long time."[/color] [color=crimson]"Gah!"[/color] Victoire didn't even had the time to react to HIldr's attack, which somehow afflicted her in such a way that even Victoire's ability to recover from a mere flesh wounds like this was void, likely an effect of Hildr's eyes, which Victoire cursed under her breath. [color=crimson]"Ugh, I really hate this. Why something it always has to happen when I'm about to—"[/color] Victoire tried to say something, but whatever effect that attack from Hildr had, rendered her far too weak even to do so. By the time she was kicked back, the events of this battle had concluded. Ira watched in rage as Victoire was ripped out of the sky. Great. Not one, but two Demons had been taken out of commission; even a primordial vampire seemed to be no match for the bullshit that were the Eyes. Metal clanked as Ira clasped her hand into a fist, crushing the air and glaring hateful daggers at her daughter. A quick scan of the area revealed none of the other Demons, whatever left of them there were, were anywhere their position. And she damn well knew Hildr would do everything in her power to keep her from dying, all the pain of that promise included. [color=red]"Fuck you,"[/color] she said simply, a sign of her defeat and disgust. [color=orange]"Ira, this is the Nexus. Of course I'm going to fuck you."[/color] Hildr said with a roll of her eyes, hefting the shield with Victoire still balanced atop it before striking Ira in the temple with the lower edge. If the first blow hadn't knocked the demon out, then the second certainly would, though a third strike came to leave no room for error in this endeavor. [color=orange]"Now then, I really should withdraw and get you two situated for interrogation. Fufu, I'm going to love the look on Deva's face when she sees you, father."[/color] Looking awfully pleased with herself, Hildr opened a tear back to Celestia, her oft unused quarters about to play dungeon for an unfortunate vampiric succubus and an even more maligned demon who'd likely never recover from the shame of this defeat. She whistled a jaunty tune as she dragged Ira and Victoire, departing from the Arcadian battlefield. As one battle concluded, another was raging on like wildfire. Rather literally, because from her depth of vision Bastion could see a large forest fire and what looked like...moving trees? Moving trees on fire? That wasn't Bonesword was it? It was a very good thing she was airborne because it looked like the entirity of Arcadia was being lit on fire one island after the other. [color=0072bc]"What was the point of this if we're just going to destroy it?"[/color] she muttered to herself before zipping to the side on reflex. It seemed the Demon army she was taking pot shots off were now fighting back; one false move and she would probably wind up dead. Keeping herself focused on the matter, she continued to speed off and fire shots into the gathered army, her mark insured to hit. The ring leader, an ice Demon by the looks of it, seemed to be pinned down by an Angel. Using this to her opportunity, she rested in one spot in the air and began firing shots off at Ghelgath's barrier. The newly summoned ice creatures weren't her problem, given that they all seemed to be targeting Tartys. [hr] [center][@KoL], [@Mega Birb], [@Lonewolf685], [@Lmpkio], [@Banana], [@Flamelord][/center]