While the only man of the group moved to rummage through the pile of fabric, the women approached the larger door. It didn't seem to be locked and a brisk shove indeed caused it to creak on it's hinges as it opened into another hallway. There were no lights in that corridor, thus leaving most of what they otherwise could have seen into the darkness, but judging by the piling of dust and a slight windy breeze coming towards them, there was some connection to the outside over here. An all too familiar blue light was barely visible at some distance into the hallway where the roof probably should have been, but no sign of the creature itself for now. As a matter of fact, the light seemed to be dimming even further now and had they not noticed it earlier they surely would not have done so now. As for what Derrick found, hidden beneath the cloth which barely had recognisable colour at this point lied a flimsy wooden chest. This one was locked though and the lock looked sturdy enough and they had no winged monsters slamming things open for them this time... although that was probably for the better, given there no longer would be a cell door between them. The chest was unwieldy to lift, but surprisingly light as Derrick raised it to judge what it might contain based on weight. [@Dusksong][@Lord of Evil]