[h2]Sir Tyaethe Radistirin[/h2] Tyaethe's progress through the college, though noisy and lacking in any form of subtlety--she was by far [i]capable[/i] of moving more quietly in armour than she was making any attempt to now--was if nothing direct: the paladin knew exactly where she was going in what seemed to be a fairly labyrinthine building. Though was that any surprise, when the majority of it had barely changed in all the years she had lived in the capital? Even a non-mage would have occasion to venture through its halls. Exactly where the knight was headed, though, she said nothing about. Doubtless, had anyone less recognisable or less heavily armed been stomping around, someone would have stopped them to ask what their purpose was. In this case, discretion seemed to take over--or maybe a fear that the massive sword being carried would find its way into their bodies. It was only when Tyaethe and Indrau reached a door, complete with plaque, that the goal was clear: Agenon Albrenton, Archmage and head of the college. A long-serving old man who, when the door was flung open, looked up from his work on sewing sequins to an outfit already every bit as garish as the one he was wearing. "The shard. Explain." [hr] [h2]Lilianna Belwiss[/h2] With the return of the other knights, including the Sunfield siblings, the chance of continuing any meaningful discussion fell by the wayside. Indeed, with the captain's return there was no reason for such discussions to continue in as public a venue as this--or remain open to everyone that came by. Too many cooks spoiled the broth and trying to make any plans with all the knights was the very definition of 'too much'. Instead, the duellist chose to seek out Fanilly, who--from appearances--seemed quite unsettled, though from inspection unharmed by whatever the knights had found since they set out. "I take it that whatever called you away so urgently was unpleasant, Fanilly?"