[h2]Musashi Sakai[/h2] Musashi decided that this girl definitely seemed nice. She didn't laugh or look at him like he was weird when he announced he was a ninja, after all! In fact she was all smiles! Musashi smiled back at her, though he wasn't sure she could tell through his half-mask. Having noticed the others already, he was pretty sure most if not all of them were close-in physical fighters. In that case, it might be a good idea for one of them to do some work at range, since the other side was likely to have ranged fighters as well. Besides, this was a test right? With instructors and other students watching them, so it might be good to show off a less-than-usual application of his powers that wouldn't give him away completely. So he stuck hands into his pockets and pulled out a pair of shuriken, one in each hand, to show to Rumi. "I can throw super-accurately! I figure I can use these to trip people up an' pin their clothes to stuff, plus they're mostly blunt so if I throw 'em super hard I can maybe knock people over?" It was totally true, even if it wasn't his whole power set explained in one go. Let the other fighters deal with things close up for now. Maybe that way if he had to fight close in he could take them by surprise. [@CondorTalon]