[quote=@BladeSS4] I wouldn't call it hopelessly optimistic. Just this roleplay just started to say its dead now before it has gotten a chance to even go anywhere just doesn't seem right. Give a bit of time, it could still spring to life. The GM just said it isn't dying and that has to mean something good for the rp itself. [/quote] We got this!! [hr] Anyway, I'm gonna put this character who is just about done right here. [hider=Disclaimer]I do not own, nor would I claim to own any artwork or music present in the following character sheet. Music and art have been found on both YouTube and Google respectively and filed away or saved for future use. All credit goes to the respective artists. Thank you for reading and sorry for any confusion or trouble.[/hider] [hider=Bel][center][img]http://i895.photobucket.com/albums/ac159/bryan_vega1/Combat%20males/my_male_ft_oc_dsg_by_miyuki_tsukiyono-d7a87mb_zpsmsbhpjhr.jpg[/img] [hider=More Info]Bel is a well-built young man standing at about 5'9" tall with a weight of about 183 lbs of muscle. He is extremely durable and athletic. Along his arms are black tattoo-like markings. On the right, there seems to be two (One is visible, the other one lower on his arm appears to be his guild mark). The left appears to be a long stylized almost tribal art-like eastern dragon.[/hider] "Heh, I don't mind going a few rounds with ya~"[/center] [color=9e0b0f][u][h1]Basic Info[/h1][/u][/color] [color=ed1c24][b]Name::[/b][/color] Belial Grimmond [color=ed1c24][b]Nickname/Alias::[/b][/color] None [color=ed1c24][b]Gender::[/b][/color] Male [color=ed1c24][b]Age and date of birth::[/b][/color] 17, August X-797 [color=ed1c24][b]Guild::[/b][/color] Vyper Bolt [color=ed1c24][b]Rank::[/b][/color] A [color=9e0b0f][u][h1]Personal Information[/h1][/u][/color] [color=ed1c24][b]Personality::[/b][/color] How does one describe the being that is Belial Grimmond? Frankly speaking he is a bit of a sarcastic asshole. He likes a good brawl, within reason and typically wants to have fun more than anything. He doesn't anger easily, but when he does get angry it's typically best to stay out of his way as he is quite prone to action. He's fiercely loyal to everyone in the guild, often treating them like family, likely because of the loss of his home and everyone he knew and loved as a child. Perhaps it was the somewhat strict upbringing he received from his clan elder and later on Gwen's father, but he takes his training and combat skills very seriously, even if it doesn't always show. Still, he's got a smart mouth and can occasionally fall into perverse jokes and habits. He's not the stoic, brooding type and that's just fine with him. [color=ed1c24][b]History::[/b][/color] The Grimmond Clan for years has been something of a legend, many actually believing them to have never existed. The truth behind them though is held by the sole heir to the name, Belial. He envies those who say they can't remember much of their childhood because for him, scattered though they may be, the core of his memories are far too vivid. Death, blood, darkness. He remembers being trapped, which would lead later in life to crippling claustrophobia. Even before that, he remembers abuse. His mother died giving birth and so his father blamed him for the loss of his love. He beat his child, and though Bel always tried to apologize and make amends for an event not in his control, he could never quite make up for it. Still, for a clan who believed the children to be the future, this was inexcusable. The elders killed his father when they found out and he was adopted into another family. It would never last however. The trauma had caused him to act out, bringing about a string of rebellion that would have to be punished. He grew, he learned, and just when he began to show signs of recovery... It happened. He was 10, on the road to becoming the most promising student to the clan elder in many years. Thus, when the clan massacre came about and signs of victory were nonexistent, the clan elder gifted him their most sacred of abilities. He attempted to use it, to help fight, turn the tides, but the enemy made quick work of him. It locked him in the elder's chest, and threw him into a nearby river. It growled and roared, cackling all the while as the child drifted down to his presumed death. All the while cursing himself, the gift he'd just received, the gift he'd been unable to use, whilst clutching the secrets of his clan in the form of a book. It would be hours before the chest was found. A man and his daughter pulled it from river. The shock on Master Kon Li and young Gwen's faces as the boy emerged was as clear as the fear on his own. He shuffled to his feet and tried to run, but didn't get far before collapsing. He awoke in the Vyper guild hall some hours later. He was still tightly holding onto his Clan's sacred Grimoire. This was the beginning of his new life as an eventual Vyper Bolt member. And as they say... The Rest is History. [color=9e0b0f][u][h2]Magic and Abilities[/h2][/u][/color] Like all Vyper Bolt members, Belial is trained in the Art of the Viper, a martial arts style that deals with escaping techniques through the manipulation and flexibility of muscles very much so like a snake. In terms of technique and power he can hold his own with the best of the best as far as his martial arts goes. Additionally, a like other members he is capable of hypnotism through the use of hypnotic regression therapy. In this area, however, his skills seem to pale in comparison to other members. Like all Vyper Bolt members he seems to display strong senses is as good a tracker as others, if not slightly better. This goes to the extent that he can catch arrows with his bare hands and possibly even track those utilizing lightning body or speed magic while in top form. Still, before coming to Vyper he was a brawler, fighting in a reckless manner, though his "street fighting" took various influences from multiple forms of martial arts. He rarely falls into the sole discipline of the Art of the Vyper, choosing to fight in a more comfortable and adaptable manner, though the discipline of the technique has only made him stronger. [color=ed1c24][b]Magic Name::[/b][/color] [url=http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Magic_Staves]Magic Staves[/url] and an apparent caster magic known only to the Master and Gwen. [color=ed1c24][b]Description::[/b][/color] Through the use of five Magic Staves Belial is capable of utilizing Fire, Lightning, Water, Wind and Sleep Magic. Although each magic is seemingly weaker than their caster based alternatives, he more than makes up for it with his skill and by combining the magics. It also seems to be that, for the most part, he is limited to more basic spells, disregarding a few. As for the other magic, known to Master Kong Li and his daughter Gwen, that Belial is capable of using, not much is known of it. It is a powerful type of magic taught and gifted to him by his Clan Elder before the man's death. And while Belial still holds an ancient grimoire of his clan imbued with the knowledge, will, and power of the Elder and those who came before Belial has been expressly forbidden from using this magic by Master Kong with the exception of dire/important situations. [color=ed1c24][b]Known Spells::[/b][/color] It is important to note that while skilled, and capable of matching or passing most mages of the same level or below, Belial cannot produce magic quite as potent or power as a skilled caster mage. Overall, his staves, though versatile do not always quite match up. [hider=Staves][list][*][b][i]Torrent[/i][/b] - Using any single elemental stave Belial is capable of creating a powerful wave, or torrent, of said element. [*][b][i]Body[/i][/b] - Belial is able to use his magic staves to alter his physical form for brief moments of time to aid in movement and in some cases avoid heavy damage. [*][i][b]Sandman[/b][/i] - By creating a small area of effect around himself Belial magically induces a hypnotic sleep. Typically, mages on his level can combat the effects, but are still likely to at least feel sluggish or tired, hindering their abilities. While it is possible for those above his level to fall under it's effects, this is usually not the case. [*][b][i]Water Wheel[/i][/b] - While using his water stave Belial can create compacted spinning wheels of water to strikes his enemy. [*][b][i]Wind Barrier[/i][/b] - Belial manipulates wind in order to block or possibly redirect attacks. [*][b][i]Firing Range[/i][/b] - Using his Fire stave Belial creates a mass of fire balls which shoot at the enemy in rapid fire motion. [*][b][i]Ring of Lightning[/i][/b] - Belial creates a ring of lightning around his enemy, or enemies, essentially trapping them and making it much harder to move as they wish. [*][b][i]Twin Typhoons[/i][/b] - By utilizing the Wind and Water staves Belial creates two controlled cyclones launched directly at the enemy. [*][b][i]Elemental Trinity[/i][/b] - Using Lightning for more destructing power, Wind to fan the flame and add to their power, Belial manages to skillfully combine these three elements for a powerful strike. Still, this spell takes time to prepare and requires a large amount of magic to cast in it's purest, most powerful form.[/list][/hider] [color=9e0b0f][u][h3]Other[/h3][/u][/color] [color=ed1c24][b]Relatives::[/b][/color] Bel has no Blood Relatives as far as he knows. [color=ed1c24][b]Possessions::[/b][/color] Each stave holds sentimental value in some way or another having been gifts from various people he has encountered over the years. However, the most important is the fire stave, gifted to him by Master Kong Li. [color=ed1c24][b]Theme Song::[/b][/color] This is subject to change, and mostly for fun more than for the actual character. But as of now... [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvpikpkNQ_8]Bel's Theme[/url][/hider]