[quote=@Azereiah] how2grammar gud: removing excessive commas edition I keep finding myself having to remove extraneous commas. Guess it's a byproduct of how I talk in person. :'D [/quote] Same here, but I tend to leave them in. Better to have a few too many than too few, in my opinion. [quote=@tipssyCalibrator] BTW, while we're on the subject, I have two exams planned and I'm not sure which one I'd rather do first, so I figured I'd ask everyone here for which they'd prefer. I guess this is kinda spoilers but eh, I don't think that's a big deal really One of the exams are gonna be the tournament (obviously). Not much to say about this one, it's pretty self explanatory. The tournament is gonna be based a lot on Naruto's chuunin exams tournament and My Hero Academia's Sports Festival tournament The other one is a sort of hunger games survival challenge type of thing. If you've seen Hunter X Hunter's Zevil Island arc or Naruto's Forest of Death arc, this will pretty much be a complete ripoff of both of them. Basically, all the students will be put into the wilderness and have to survive for a certain number of days, and are also all given items that they all need to collect from each other in order to win So, which one do you guys think should be done first? [/quote] Honestly, I think the tournament first makes more sense. It works as a way to test the students' initial ability/power/fighting sense, and having it as a later exam gives winning and losing more weight. Having it early makes it much more a matter of pride than anything else, since the grading aspect is less important. Plus, a survival test would make for a good end of the semester exam, since it tests how much they've learned overall, not just with their powers. [quote=@Yuuta] My suggestion (and this is just a suggestion btw), once the fights are set up, make a single post in the IC thread with setup and introduction and whatnot, then link to an Arena thread where the actual fighting will take place. This will help prevent chaos in the thread of multiple fights going on at once. The fight will go on for a set number of posts or time limit, or whatever is decided to be fair, and then a panel of mystery judges (players picked by the GM with no personal stakes in the fight) will assess the fight and decide who should logically win. The winner then gets to write a "finisher" post to put in whatever dramatic flair is needed for the story. It requires a bit more work than just pre-deciding the winners, but let's face it, I think everybody has their own desires for the tournament outcome, and I think it should come down to combat roleplaying ability. Opinions everyone? [/quote] Personally I think that's a good idea, but that all the posts in the arena should also be made into a single "collab" post here in the IC.