Ava’s embarassment eventually subside and once more she was on about when they would fight and how this time she would win, something that was starting to bore Serena a bit, she understood wanting to prove herself capable, but going on about it nonstop made her want tap Ava on the head again. Just as she was about to say something, the patrons’ attention turned to two figures that entered the bar, one looked to be Seraphim, the other she couldn’t quite make out, she hadn’t seen someone like before, the girl’s rainbow colored wings caught her attention, as she was sure it did many other patrons and made her a bit curious of girl. [color=crimson]“Wow, those two reminds me of us when we first entered here,”[/color] Ava commented, turning her attention back to Serena. [color=palegoldenrod]“Yes, they certainly do, but best to just leave them be, they have enough eyes on them without us needing to add to it,”[/color] Serena responded, looking back over to the bar where she locked eyes with one of the men at the bar. [color=crimson]“Yeah, I suppose you’re right, now we can-”[/color] Ava was interrupted when she noticed her sister looking over at the bar, her eyes also meeting the gaze of the man. Ava became little defensive when the man approached the two of them, her urge to protect her sister already growing. However when he asked to sit and then seated himself before they could answer, that made her angry, so much so she started to chastise the man, [color=crimson]“How dare you just sit before we’ve give you permission to do so, why I should-”[/color] she was once more interrupted, this time by Serena who put an arm up in front of her, indicating her to be silent. [color=palegoldenrod]“That’s enough Ava.”[/color] [color=crimson]“But Serena...”[/color] [color=palegoldenrod] “You had been eavesdropping on his conversation, so it’s not exactly like his approach wasn’t warranted,”[/color] Serena interjected, pausing her sentence as she looked at her sister before turning her attention to the man, [color=palegoldenrod]“though I do agree, it would’ve been polite to let us answer first before sitting down. However, we had been trying to intrude upon your conversation, so I would like to apologize for our rudeness,”[/color] Serena finished, bowing her head just as their food and drinks arrived. [color=palegoldenrod]“Thank you for the food, as well as letting us know about drinks at the bar, though I doubt we’ll be having any,”[/color] Serena responded to the waitress with a slight smile that quickly dropped. Her attention returned once more to the man, [color=palegoldenrod]“We didn’t hear a lot, just something about boarder attacks,”[/color] she paused for a moment as she lightly gripped her chin, [color=palegoldenrod]“I wonder if it’s those rumors we’ve been hearing about,”[/color] Serena spoke quietly to herself, glancing up and then shaking her head clear, [color=palegoldenrod]“Once again, my sincerest apologies for our rudeness, I try to keep my sister proper, but that isn’t always the case,”[/color] she gave a light smile that like before, quickly faded [color=crimson]“Hey, don’t apologize to him, we did nothing wrong, they were talking pretty loudly, it’s not our fault we could overhear them,”[/color] Ava finally spoke up, having been eating her meal whilst her sister talked, but now couldn’t hold back her words any longer. [color=palegoldenrod]“Regardless, it was none of our business, now please don’t make this into a thing, I would like to keep things civilized."[/color] [color=crimson]“He’s probably just trying to hit on you and is using this as an excuse,”[/color] Ava retorted, still glaring at the man. Serena let out a sigh, [color=palegoldenrod]“I highly doubt that,”[/color] she then turned her attention from Ava to the man once more, [color=palegoldenrod]“You’ll have to excuse her, she's a little protective of me, but she means well. Oh, I’m Serena by the way and this little hot head is my younger sister, Ava, and you are…?”[/color] Serena asked, hoping that the man before them wouldn’t be upset at Ava’s outburst, as well as her eavesdropping, she didn’t want a fight to break out, not that she wouldn’t help her sister if that’s what it came to. [@FallenTrinity][@Rai]