Heather smiled at the man who asked about what to get them. [color=lightpink]”Uhh, what’s the special again?”[/color] Heather asked. She was kinda hungry and probably knows Patricia is hungry too. [color=lightpink]”He is a very kind gentleman giving out free drinks,”[/color] Heather said kindly. Patricia shyly hid behind Heather and had a small smile on her face. [color=lightgreen]”I would love the funny looking dish,”[/color] Patricia said blushing. This girl doesn’t really know the name of the dishes since she usually eats at the Flowerdancer’s home. Heather glanced at the shy one and giggled at what she said. [color=lightpink]”You always say funny looking dish,”[/color] Heather said kindly. She was happy, she’s nearby or her friend would completely freak out. She would too since she’s afraid of being alone too. [color=lightpink]”Got a table for us? I almost forgot about that,”[/color] Heather said kindly. Patricia looked around the room from behind Heather and noticed the man, which the person who greeted them pointed too. She blushing big time since many people were staring at her wings. She leaned into her friend’s ear and whispered, [color=lightgreen][i]”Why are all these people giving us weird looks?”[/i][/color] Heather smiled and started to blush because she just realized that people were giving them cat calls and other such looks. She whispered back to Patricia, [color=lightpink][i]”I guess, it’s because we are hot or something.”[/i][/color] She walked more into the tavern. [color=lightpink]”I had a strange feeling before I walked into the tavern. It felt like an eerie sadness, what’s going on?”[/color] Heather asked. Patricia stayed close behind Heather. She heard what her friend said and was confused about what an eerie sadness is about. She doesn’t really realize what Heather asked. [color=lightgreen][i]”Hmm, so that’s why she was distracted, but I have no idea what that means,”[/i][/color] Patricia thought to herself. She had her left hand on her chin, but she couldn’t really figure what she had a thought about. She shook her head in disbelief something bad is happening near Sunfire. [@Rai]