[@Azereiah] Jonathan's laugh caught her off guard. She'd told a joke, sure, but nobody laughed at her jokes. They usually just told her she was a bitch, or sick, or walked away scared. She had no idea how to play this off, and that made her uncomfortable, and she wanted to take that discomfort out on Jonathan in her subtle ways, so she silently huffed and regained her aloofness. "I'm not showing you my notes on you. That would defeat the point!" she stated a little aggressively. "Also, you'd better not be serious about getting top marks." So they scribbled for a while side by side. She could see Ryuuto and the South Korean boy from where she was standing, also taking notes. Suddenly, she put her hand to her mouth, looked down so that her hair hid her face, and shuddered. She was trying to hide that she was having a sudden giggling fit. She managed to get it under control but when she looked back up, her face was bright red and her eyes had gone puffy. "Sorry. It just dawned on me that all the second year here are standing round taking notes and how creepy that must look to anyone watch-" she stopped speaking as the giggling fit started again and she covered her mouth with both hands this time. What was happening to her? This was so ungraceful!