Luna rolled her eyes at Constance, not afraid of the woman. Why should she be? Constance couldn't do anything to her here, short of killing her, and...well, if they returned, Luna would be sure to give as good as she got. If Constance even dared to derail her plans at becoming a doctor, Luna would spill everything about the socialite.that she had on her so far. If Constance was going to take her down, then Luna would be damn sure to take the self centered, vile woman down with her. Luna would not allow Constance to harm her chances at giving her father a better life. Nothing would stop her being able to do that. And Luna believed she had made herself clear on that. Besides that, Luna wasn't afraid of her. Yes, constance had a gun, but she didn't have the guts to kill someone in cold blood. And Constance knew first hand that they couldn't afford to lose Luna. So Luna was safe. [B]”What are you going to do, Constance?”[/b] Luna said under her breath to the woman, her tone almost daring, even as Luna dismissed Constance, continuing to look for her bag of medical supplies, doubting it could have gotten very far. To Luna, Constance was steadily becoming...nothing. The woman couldn't do anything to her, without destroying herself, and the sooner Constance actually realised that consciously, the better it would be for all of them. Luna couldn't even understand why the woman was here. She wasn't useful. She shook her head, and sighed to herself. Luna nearly laughed, yet she didn't. Perhaps because she knew it was petty, Constance hurriedly seeking to do business with people they had only just met. It, to Luna, seemed hurried and rushed. Desperate. And it showed that all Constance cared about was business, not the people themselves, and Luna was satisfied when Collin didn't rush to agree. Perhaps that would throw Constance down a peg or to. The woman certainly needed it. Luna gave a smile and a nod [b]”I understand, i merely hope that they are okay. If you wouldn't mind...maybe later, when we are acquaintanced, i could find some supplies that would allow me to make some salves and tonics for your people, to thank you for your hospitality?”[/b] she asked, wanting to help them in anyway that she could, it was a genuine offer, and she didn't expect anything at all in return. [b]”I would also really enjoy about learning about your culture, if you'd be happy to teach us a little bit about your ways. I do not wish to accidentally offend anyone”[/b] she said, and then wondered if she was offending anyone by saying that, she worried about that for a few moments, a little nervously. While she had thought that there must be people out there, other people she hadn't thought that they were going to actually meet them, and thus she wasn't prepared. She smiled, thrilled when they were offered a tour, and nodded eagerly. She listened as Edward spoke with Collin quite fascinated with it, she let edward hold the conversation. Asking questions and getting answers was after all his expertise. She was quite interested when Collin mentioned Federal government, cultural sites. Perhaps this place, despite the differences, wasn't all that different from back home. That was a curious thought, and she had to remind herself that despite appearances, these people were descended from people that had once been apart of their civilization. The fact that they had similar workings to them was perhaps no surprise. As they came into sight of the buildings, Luna couldn't help but given a sound of wonder, and she grinned at Edward [b]”its...amazing. Almost like...a setting from a fairy tail”[/b] she said to him, filled with wonder and excitement. It was truly a amazing, and she sighed happily. It would almost be worth everything, just for this site. [B]”if you're hallucinating, then we all are. This is truly wonderful”[/b], she said, managing to tear her eyes away to continue looking about them. She looked at the other two that were to come along, smiling at them, until she saw that the girl held her bag, and thrilled she said [b]”Excuse me, Ma’am? I think that's my bag, i must have lose it when Edward fell into me, thank you for finding it!”[/b]